Protection Prayer with Archangel Haniel


Protection Prayer with Archangel Haniel

O my cherished guardian angel,

In your loving embrace, I find solace and reassurance as I embark upon the journey that lies before me. With reverence and trust, I call upon you to intercede on my behalf, beseeching the Lord to shower His blessings upon the path that I am about to tread.

As I prepare to set forth on this journey, I humbly ask for divine guidance and protection, that every step I take may be guided by the wisdom of the Divine. May this journey be a source of healing and nourishment for both my soul and body, enriching my spiritual and physical well-being with each passing moment.

Grant me the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacles that may arise along the way, and may I emerge from this journey stronger and more steadfast in my faith. With your guidance, O holy guardian angel, I trust that I will reach the end of this journey with grace and perseverance.

As I travel the winding roads and pathways of life, may your loving presence be my constant companion, guiding me with unwavering devotion and protection. Shield me from harm and danger, and lead me safely to my destination, that I may fulfill the purpose for which I was called.

In the sacred space between heaven and earth, I offer my prayers to the Lord, entreating His blessings upon this journey. May His divine light illuminate my path, illuminating the way forward and guiding me through the darkness. May His grace be a beacon of hope and strength, sustaining me in times of trial and uncertainty.

As I journey forth, may the Lord’s blessings envelop me like a warm embrace, filling me with peace, courage, and resilience. May His divine presence accompany me every step of the way, providing comfort and assurance in the face of adversity.

O my holy angel guardian, I place my trust in your loving care, knowing that you will watch over me with unwavering devotion and protection. Guide me, protect me, and lead me safely to my destination, that I may fulfill the purpose for which I was called.

In the name of the Lord, I offer my prayers, trusting that He will bless this journey and grant me His divine favor. May it be so, now and forevermore.

In the sheltering embrace of my guardian angel,

As I embark upon this journey, I carry with me the fervent prayer that upon my return, I may be greeted by the comforting sight of my loved ones, all in good health and spirits. With every step I take, I hold in my heart the sacred intention that I may return safe and sound to the warmth and familiarity of home.

Guardian of my soul, I implore you to watch over me with unwavering vigilance and protection as I venture forth into the unknown. Guide my footsteps along the path of safety and security, shielding me from harm and danger at every turn. Preserve me from the perils that may lie in wait, ensuring that I navigate this journey with grace and fortitude.

As I journey forth, may the divine light of your presence illuminate my path, illuminating the way forward and dispelling the shadows of doubt and fear. With your loving guidance, may I traverse the winding roads and pathways of life with confidence and courage, knowing that you are ever by my side, watching over me with love and devotion.

I entrust myself to your care, O guardian angel, knowing that you will guide me safely through the trials and tribulations that may arise along the way. With your divine protection, I am shielded from harm and danger, and my spirit is fortified against the challenges that may come my way.

As I journey forth, may I be a vessel of divine grace and love, sharing the light of my guardian angel with all whom I encounter. May my presence bring comfort and solace to those in need, and may my actions be guided by the wisdom and compassion that flow from your loving embrace.

Guide, guard, and preserve me, O guardian angel, as I embark upon this journey, knowing that with your divine protection, I am shielded from harm and danger, and my spirit is fortified against the challenges that may come my way.

And when at last I return home, may I find all whom I hold dear in good health and spirits, their hearts filled with joy and gratitude for the safe return of their loved one. With a heart overflowing with gratitude and reverence, I offer my prayers to you, O guardian angel, trusting that you will watch over me with unwavering devotion and protection.

Guard, guide, and preserve us, now and forevermore.


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