Horse Reading 5



The Year of the Horse is the seventh animal sign in the Chinese Horoscope. The people born under this sign are full of vibrancy and energy. They enjoy social activities and love humor and dramatic flare.

Wealth, Career, and Finances

Keep guard over your mouth. In the heat of your emotions you may say certain secrets that can ruin your future plans. Be mindful of whom you talk to for today. Now is not the time to bring out sensitive information that can ruin your career or your business. Not everyone who listens to you is looking out for your interests.

Love, Friendship, and Relationships

Words can help or hurt. Be mindful when talking to your partner and your friends today. A bit of tactfulness and consideration will go a long way. Careless remarks can get you into arguments you may regret later on. Say kind things and give proper advice to those who need it too. You never know who is going through something hard today.

Health, Safety, and Protection

Do not listen to everything you hear. Do not believe everything you have just known about. There are many fake claims and wrong advice about health there. Some may be dangerous for you. Avoid self medication as well. Better to get a prescription from a doctor for your ills rather than do something risky. Better to get full meals and to avoid skipping. You will need the energy later on.

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