Fortune Cookies Mysteries Luck better

fortune reading for today

mysteries cokie


Those who are active have a better chance of success.


The actions you take now will decide the luck you have tomorrow. You are in control of your outcome.

There is always a chance for something better or fresher. While you cannot undo the past, you can make today better than the day before. It indicates that each day is a fresh start and an opportunity to craft the kind of life that you want for yourself.

You can’t change yesterday, but you can change today and tomorrow by making conscious decisions about how you spend your time and energy.

And they will guide you in the direction of your goals in life if you make those decisions with purpose and intention. 

You might be shocked by how many of your routine acts are unconscious or automatic.

They are automatic and serve only to keep things running smoothly.

The further you get along in life, the more fortunate you will be, and it is proportional to the amount of progress you’ve made toward your objective.

If you don’t attempt, you can’t expect to succeed. Without a willingness to put up the effort necessary to achieve your goals, you cannot expect to receive what you desire from life. You have to work for everything that comes into your life.

If you want something, you have to go after it with all your heart and soul, even if it means working hard for years before seeing the results of your labor. 

The further you get along in life, the more fortunate you will be, and it is proportional to the amount of progress you’ve made toward your objective.

It’s common for people in their early 20s who are just starting out in life to believe that their friends have better jobs or earn more money than they do.

However, this isn’t the case at all. They may not even be as prosperous as you are at the moment if anything.

If you don’t make any progress today, you shouldn’t expect anything good to happen to you.

You might be asking why I’m writing about taking action when I’m meant to be writing about how to succeed.

The reason is that taking initiative is what unlocks the door to success.

You might spend the day watching TV or playing video games and believe that nothing wonderful has happened to anyone else either.

But if you were to see things from a different angle, you would see that there are people out there who are putting a lot of effort into pursuing their aspirations, and they will be rewarded with success and happiness.

The more daring and bold you are, the more luck will come your way.

Your luck will increase in proportion to how brave and adventurous you are.

Those things will come as well if you approach life cautiously and with fear, but not for very long.

The cosmos is a friendly place that wants us to be successful and happy, but it won’t push itself on us if we don’t participate in its game plan by taking chances and trying new things.

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