
Angel Message Of The Day : Breathe

Guardian Angel of Harmony 


The day brings forth many opportunities to focus, perhaps even re-focus our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Every day you are given the opportunity to set your priorities straight. It is important that you focus on your priorities and do not dwell too much on distractions. Concentrating on thoughts and emotions that will lead you to a greater path should be a must. Grab the opportunity to refocus your thoughts, emotions, and actions and make sure that you are aligned with the path that you wish to take. 


There are times when the distractions of life may get ahead of you. It is important that you will not let these distractions stay. You must learn to rise above them so that you can gather your thoughts and let yourself be productive. Do not let it fester the paths and moments that you have chosen to take. Instead, learn how to refocus your thoughts on the things that matter to you. You must remember to take a deep breath and divulge where you are headed. Are you continuously making progress and do you feel like you are where you are supposed to be? 

Remember to breathe. It is important that you take a breather so you can start anew. Sometimes when we are too caught up with the day-to-day of improving ourselves, we might lose our direction without noticing or we might get too overwhelmed. If you give yourself the time to breathe, you will get to see a new perspective where you can learn new things. If you give yourself time to cope, you will get to adjust more to the situations that you find yourself in. If you give yourself the time to be in harmony within yourself, you will make more sound decisions and you will get to refocus on your priorities. 


Breathe deeply, and you may try to hold your breath for a moment. Give yourself the time to breathe deeply and hold it in. There is a moment of silence and peace that will come to you. In the moments when you must feel overwhelmed, you will have the time to breathe deeply and rearrange your thoughts so that you can finally decide on what to do next. You must embrace what tomorrow brings, and you must put your focus on getting your heart’s desires


Exhale slowly. Release all of the pent-up frustrations that might have been bugging you for quite some time. Release all of the thoughts that are no longer serving you. It is important that when you exhale, you must remove all of the thoughts, emotions, and actions you should have dismissed beforehand.  Once all of this negativity is released, you will feel the lightness of bearing no weight. Let it go, and let the light and love flow into your heart and soul. Finally, you will feel that all is in harmony.

The pace of the day and of the season will at first appear to gain momentum. It is important that you learn how to pause and breathe once in a while in order to gain the momentum you seek for. Once you are able to restart, you will let peace and harmony in your life. You will no longer feel like everything is too much. Instead, you will be given the pause to calm your mind and body. It is important to gain peace and harmony while you are on your journey to gain wisdom in your decisions.


What do you seek within this day? Before you may ask, you can choose to take a breather. Gain harmony and peace wherever you will go. Let harmony and peace be within you so that you will no longer feel restless and afraid of what comes next. Seek the love and light, and let them in your life. Carry on your journey today and in the following days while keeping harmony in your life. You must follow the right path and feel like you are in the right direction to strengthen your trust in the process. Do not let distractions waver your faith. Instead, choose to focus on what matters. You can choose to step aside, allowing harmony and peace to be your guide on this day.

Amanda Cooper

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