LIBRA 2 What makes you fall out of love?



What makes you fall out of love?


Making the choice to end a relationship or not is difficult for a Libra. Sometimes it’s difficult to know if you’re going through a rough patch or if you’re completely losing interest in someone. Asking yourself how you feel about your future as a couple can help you determine whether you are falling out of love. It’s important to talk to your spouse if you feel dissatisfied, confined, or afraid about staying with them for the long term. Process your emotions first by writing in a notebook, engaging in meditation, or even talking to a third person like a therapist. Simply express how you feel and your worries about what this could mean for your future together when you sit down to chat to your partner. It may be obvious that you no longer have any interest in a future with your spouse, but there may be more to it than that. If you’ve avoided having significant dialogues up to this point and are uninformed of your partner’s preferences, you may be feeling dismal about the future. Even though it’s not always an indication that you’re no longer in love, it’s unquestionably a clue that you should start talking to your partner.

If you’ve been in a monogamous relationship with your partner for a while, Libra, you may have a crush on someone else at some point. As long as you don’t act on it, though, it’s quite natural for you to feel this way. You can’t help but find other individuals appealing because you’re only human. But if your crush lessens your desire for your relationship, it could become an issue. You may have lost love if you start fantasizing about all the things you could do and people you could meet if only you weren’t in a relationship. When a person is no longer in love, they start to change their focus from “we” to “me,” becoming more preoccupied with meeting their own needs and pursuing their own goals (at the expense of their partner), which can cause distance or even resentment to develop in the relationship. You can tell you’re no longer entirely invested in your spouse if you’re always daydreaming about being with other people or have a strong desire for fresh experiences.

Additionally, no one like criticism, especially not a romantic relationship. Another indication that you’re losing love with your lover is when criticism starts to dominate your relationship. Every time they mess up or disappoint you in any way, you attack their character rather than being aware of their feelings and expressing your disappointment in a polite manner. It all depends on whether you believe your criticism is motivated by a lack of love for your partner or by another internal psychological conflict. All the aforementioned indications also fall under this. Always ask yourself, “What fear might be impacting my response to my spouse, and is this something I can address or overcome without missing out on a wonderful love of my life?”  Instead of talking about the things they do that annoy or anger you, you can let your contempt take over and progressively erode your relationship until it reaches its breaking point. You can tell you’re losing love if this happens.

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