
Angel Message Of The Day : Faith In The Internal



Faith.  How do you perceive a virtue such as faith?  Faith is defined as “a confident belief in something for which there is no proof.” Faith is a virtue that has to do with belief and trust. Faith is not just believing something because you want to believe it, but rather believing something because you have evidence to support it. Faith is an important part of life because it’s what gives you hope for the future and helps you deal with difficult situations today. Faith gives you the courage to face your fears, comfort during times of pain, peace when there seems to be none, and hope amid despair. 


Do you perceive testing, a trial, lessons perhaps? Faith, an elusive virtue of patience; mercy, compassion, love, forgiveness, acceptance, and gentleness are all expressions of faith. The word faith can be defined as a firm belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of something.  That which faces you this moment, do you have faith that all is in Divine Order?  The importance of faith cannot be overemphasized as it plays a significant role in your life as a human being. It gives you confidence and assurance in times of uncertainty and doubt. It strengthens your mind and heart when you are fearful or insecure about something that may happen in your life.


Do you practice the virtues of faith within your thoughts?  Faith is a virtue because it involves making decisions based on what you believe to be true, rather than what you can see, taste or touch. Faith is an important part of life because it allows us to fulfill our purpose and destiny. To practice faith, you have to search for what makes your thoughts flow smoothly. You can find a place that is peaceful for you to think about. Talk with someone who you can talk with to share your perspective to open your mind as well.

Do you practice the virtues of faith within your thoughts?  Faith is a virtue because it involves making decisions based on what you believe to be true, rather than what you can see, taste or touch. Faith is an important part of life because it allows us to fulfill our purpose and destiny. To practice faith, you have to search for what makes your thoughts flow smoothly. You can find a place that is peaceful for you to think about. Talk with someone who you can talk with to share your perspective to open your mind as well.


In the loving of you, love is abundant, an abundance of faith in all its many facets to share with another.  The loving of you is a courageous act because it requires the courage to look deeply into the heart and mind. This is not something that you have to work up or find on your own. It’s already there within you as a gift from the Universe. The love of you is a spiritual faith, it is the faith in the internal. The love of you is all that is needed to fill your heart, it is all that is needed to heal your heart.


In the practice of faith, we remind you the perception of being tested is an Earthly realm concept. Radiate love. Allow yourself to flow with your higher self and all will be revealed. Offer your love, light, and blessings upon you all during this period when fear often reigns supreme. Trust yourself and trust your hearts, because you know exactly what needs doing even when your minds may seem clouded by doubt or fear or uncertainty about what lies ahead for us all during this transition period between cycles in Earth’s history.

Imagine sending forth soft loving rose light. Wrap yourself in rose light allowing you to feel filled with unconditional love, joy, and contentment.  You are surrounded by the rose light that is flowing through your body and soul. You are filled with a sense of peace, love, and happiness. Now imagine that same unconditional love and light flowing out from your heart, filling your entire body with that love. Imagine a beautiful white light emanating from your heart chakra opening up like a flower unfolding its petals for all to see its beauty. Faith allows you to trust in your higher self and know that everything will work out for the highest good of all concerned.


Imagine soft loving rose light enfolding someone close to you; breathe in soft rose light and exhale shadow and darkness. Imagine soft loving rose light enfolding someone close to you; breathe in soft rose light and exhale shadow and darkness. Holding the space for someone else’s inner light can be one of the most beautiful and humbling things. You don’t have to be afraid of what might come up or who you might become; just let it flow naturally. It’s a place where all your thoughts and feelings are accepted as they are, without judgment or bias; it’s a space of acceptance and compassion.

For shadow and darkness would steal from you all your deepest desires. In the beginning, there was only the void. All was dark and cold, with no light in sight. Fear will rob you of your dreams if you allow it to take root in your heart and mind. Fear will make you second-guess yourself until you are paralyzed by indecision and inaction. The internal is where your desires come from. It is the source of joy and fulfillment in your life. Faith is the most powerful force in the universe. It is what gives us hope and courage. Faith is the belief in something that cannot be seen.


In the face of that which appears to be confrontational is the perception on the part of another or is there a shift within you signifying disruption within a known comfort zone?  This we say to you go within, become peaceful, radiate love, radiate kindness, radiate the light of Divine Source, for all is occurring in Divine Time, in Divine Order.  Focus within and find your peace.  As you do this, then you will see that which is occurring in your life as something that is not a disruption but simply a shift in perception and this is what has occurred with many of you.


Seek first peace within. Peace shall radiate outward touching all with your thoughts, actions, and emotions.  The more you are in touch with the inner self, the more you will feel that everything is as it should be. The more you accept your imperfections and limitations, the more easily you will accept others’ imperfections and limitations. Faith, how do you practice the gift of faith today? Giving peace within yourself is the beginning of happiness: it is the source of happiness; it is its foundation; it is its motive power; it is its goal.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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