
Angel Message Of The Day : Gift Of Serenity

Angel of Serenity 


Serenity is a state of mind, a state of emotion, a state of being. Serenity comes from within, and it doesn’t depend on external circumstances. The Gift of Serenity is a gift from the universe, a gift from yourself. When you receive it, you will know it because you’ll feel at peace with yourself and the world around you. You will be able to see things clearly, even if they aren’t what you want or expect them to be. You can find it during chaos or even at times when you feel as though you have lost everything that matters most in life. The act of serenity is when you are at peace with yourself, your environment, and others around you. You can sit back and take in the world around you without feeling any stress or anxiety about what is happening in your life at that moment. When you experience this state of mind, it allows you to appreciate everything around you and make better decisions as an individual because you have clarity on what you want out of life. It’s possible to move through any experience with peace of mind if you make choices based on your values rather than according to what others think you should do or how they want you to behave.

In all ways, on all levels, serenity is the gift of total surrender of all that causes struggle, tension, stress, concern, or worry.  Serenity is not about being happy or cheerful all the time. It’s about accepting what you cannot change and learning how to face challenges in life with grace and serenity. Serenity comes from within. It is the result of your own choices and actions. It cannot be given to you, but it can be taken away from you. The secret to serenity is not being afraid of life, but rather learning how to live it fully. Serenity is about learning how to accept yourself as well as others unconditionally. When you can embrace yourself completely and learn how to love yourself completely then you will also be able to accept others completely for who they are without judgement. You can use this gift as a reminder to take some time for yourself, or as encouragement when you feel like giving up. This gift also includes affirmations to help you overcome whatever challenges you are facing and a few tips for taking care of yourself during this difficult time.

Serenity is the space between breaths. Serenity is not only a state of mind but also an attitude toward life. It’s an inner peace that helps you face challenges and obstacles with courage and determination. Serenity can help you become more fulfilled in your daily life. It’s a place you can go to when you feel like everything is too much when you feel like there’s no way to get through it all. Serenity is always there if you allow yourself to find it. The gift of serenity offers a chance to slow down and relax in the present moment, without regrets or expectations about what might happen next. It’s an opportunity to connect with yourself and others through meditation and any peaceful activities.


Serenity is the space between thoughts. It’s the calm silence that lies between the sound of your heart beating and the moment you take another breath. You can’t find serenity; you have to create it. Serenity is not a state of mind; it’s an active decision to be peaceful in the midst of chaos. When you’re able to take a step back from your thoughts, you can see how they’re affecting you and how they’re not necessarily true. You can see how your emotions are influencing your perception of reality. And when you recognize these things, you can begin to accept them and even change them.


Serenity is knowing all is in Divine Order, occurring in Divine Time along the path before you.  You know that everything happens for a reason and there is no other way it could have happened. You don’t blame yourself or others for anything that has happened. You don’t need to have all of the answers; you just need to be open to listening to them. Receiving a gift of serenity means that you are aware of your power and responsibility to create the life you desire. You can maintain your spiritual balance while walking through life’s challenges with grace and ease. Serenity brings about feelings of being grounded in who you are and what matters most to you. It helps us move through life’s challenges with ease.

Serenity is experiencing, even for a brief moment, your eternal connection to your Higher Self, to Divine Source.  When you connect with yourself in this way, you feel peaceful and calm on the inside. You are connected to your inner wisdom and guidance system. It is the place you go when you are centered when you are at peace with yourself and the world around you. When you have this experience of Serenity, it changes everything in your life. It changes the way you think about yourself and the world around you. And it changes how you interact with others. It is not an emotion but rather a way of being in all circumstances. Serenity comes from within yourself and not from outside circumstances or other people. It’s cultivated through meditation, prayer, and spiritual practices.


Gift you this day; peace and harmony shall accompany you all your days. It is a gift that encompasses every aspect of life and living. It is the gift of serenity. May you find peace and harmony in all that you do. May you find joy in what has been given to you and may you live life with a sense of wonder and appreciation for all that happens around you. May you have the gift of faith, which will protect you from fear, confusion, and doubt. It’s a reminder that there is always a way out and that you are not alone in your journey.

Amanda Cooper

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