
Angel Message Of The Day: Surrender

Archangel Uriel 


Allow ideas, thoughts, and choices to flow freely. Let go of any resistance or attachment to specific outcomes, and instead, create a space for possibilities to emerge. Allowing implies a willingness to embrace new ideas, thoughts, and choices without judgment or limitation. Ideas are the seeds of innovation and creativity. Allowing ideas to flow freely means giving yourself permission to explore different perspectives, concepts, and solutions. It encourages you to tap into your imagination and think outside the box. By allowing ideas to flow, you open yourself up to new insights and possibilities.Thoughts shape our perception and influence our actions. Allowing thoughts to flow freely means observing and accepting the thoughts that arise without judgment or attachment. It involves being aware of your thought patterns and choosing thoughts that support your growth and well-being. By allowing thoughts to flow, you can gain clarity, expand your perspective, and cultivate a positive mindset.


Do not become obsessive about that which you desire. Obsession refers to an excessive preoccupation or fixation on something. When we become obsessed, our thoughts, emotions, and actions become consumed by the object of our desire. This can lead to an imbalance in our lives and negatively impact our well-being. Maintain a sense of balance and perspective in our lives. By not fixating solely on our desires, we can appreciate and enjoy other aspects of our life, such as relationships, personal growth, and self-care. Secondly, it helps us cultivate patience and trust in the process of manifestation. When we release the need for immediate gratification, we can surrender to the natural flow of life and allow things to unfold in their own time. Lastly, not becoming obsessive promotes emotional well-being. It reduces stress, anxiety, and attachment, allowing us to experience greater peace and contentment


Do allow that which you desire to come into your life with ease and grace. Actively giving permission and creating space for our desires to manifest. It involves releasing any resistance, doubts, or limiting beliefs that may hinder the flow of abundance into our lives. By consciously choosing to allow, we open ourselves up to receiving the desired outcomes. We all have unique aspirations, goals, and dreams. It reminds us to be clear about what we truly desire and to align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with those desires. Release the need for struggle, control, or force. By embracing ease and grace, we align ourselves with the natural flow of abundance and create a harmonious and joyful experience.

Follow your inner guidance, releasing the need to have all, do all, to know all in a single moment. Tune  into our inner wisdom and intuition. It encourages us to listen to our gut feelings, instincts, and inner voice when making decisions or navigating through life. By following our inner guidance, we align ourselves with our authentic selves and make choices that are in alignment with our values and desires. We have limitations in terms of time, energy, and resources. It encourages us to prioritize and focus on what truly matters to us, allowing us to be more effective and present in our actions. By releasing the need to do all, we can reduce overwhelm and find a sense of balance in our lives.


Breathe in ,exhaling slowly then breathe deeply. Calm yourself with each breath, exhaling slowly. We don’t need to possess or acquire everything in order to find fulfillment or happiness. It encourages us to let go of the mindset of scarcity or lack, and instead, focus on appreciating and making the most of what we already have. By releasing the need to have all, we can experience greater contentment and gratitude for the present moment. We have limitations in terms of time, energy, and resources. It encourages us to prioritize and focus on what truly matters to us, allowing us to be more effective and present in our actions. By releasing the need to do all, we can reduce overwhelm and find a sense of balance in our lives.


Ask me and my brethren to assist you in surrendering all that would attempt to distract you from a state of peace, harmony, and joy. Surrender and let go of anything that may divert our attention or energy away from a state of peace, harmony, and joy. It could refer to negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, attachments, or external circumstances that cause stress or imbalance. By surrendering these distractions, we create space for inner peace and alignment. Firstly, it provides us with a sense of support and guidance on our journey. By seeking the help of benevolent beings, we can tap into their wisdom and experience. Secondly, it empowers us to release what no longer serves us. By surrendering distractions, we free ourselves from their negative influence and create space for positive experiences. Lastly, it allows us to cultivate a more fulfilling and joyful life. By prioritizing our well-being and aligning with peace and harmony, we can experience greater contentment and happiness.

In the wake of releasing all that no longer serves you, open yourself to all that awaits you in the Realm of Spirit. In the eyes of Divine Source, all is made manifest in the asking, the seeking. Be open and receptive to the vast possibilities and guidance that exist in the spiritual realm. It encourages us to connect with our higher selves, spiritual guides, and the Divine Source. By opening ourselves to the Realm of Spirit, we tap into a wellspring of wisdom, inspiration, and support. The power of intention and the role of Divine Source in manifesting our desires. It suggests that by asking and seeking, we align ourselves with the creative forces of the universe. It reminds us that our intentions and actions have the potential to manifest our desires when they are in alignment with our highest good and the greater good of all.


Surrender any fears, thoughts of lack, limitation. Know all is given to you, for there is no purpose in keeping you from your good. There is no inherent purpose or benefit in withholding our good from us. It suggests that any perceived lack or limitation is a result of our own fears, beliefs, or resistance. By recognizing this, we can release any self-imposed barriers and open ourselves up to receiving the abundance that is rightfully ours. Let go of fears and limiting beliefs, and embracing the abundance and generosity of the universe, we can experience greater fulfillment, abundance, and joy. By shifting our mindset from one of lack to one of abundance, we open ourselves up to receive the goodness that is available to us. By embodying this belief, we can attract and manifest our desires, and live a life of abundance and purpose.


Open yourself to all which lay at your feet. Know all is in Divine Order. Opening ourselves to what lay at our feet and knowing that all is in divine order offers several benefits. Firstly, it allows us to fully embrace and make the most of the opportunities that come our way. By being open and receptive, we can seize the moment and take inspired action towards our goals and dreams. Secondly, it cultivates a sense of trust and surrender. By recognizing that there is a higher plan at work, we can let go of the need to control or force outcomes, and instead trust in the unfolding of life. This can alleviate stress and anxiety, and bring a sense of peace and ease. Lastly, it brings a deeper sense of connection and alignment. By acknowledging the divine order, we can align ourselves with the greater flow of life, tap into our intuition, and make choices that are in alignment with our highest good.


You cannot see the whole of the journey in an instant; the journey unfolds as a tapestry is created one stitch at a time.  Our life’s journey is a gradual process, much like the meticulous creation of a tapestry, where each stitch contributes to the overall masterpiece. It reminds us that every experience, every decision, and every step we take plays a part in shaping our journey and creating a meaningful and beautiful life. We often cannot fully comprehend or visualize the entirety of our life’s journey in a single moment. It reminds us that our path is filled with twists, turns, and unknowns that may not be immediately apparent. It encourages us to embrace the mystery and uncertainty of life, knowing that not everything can be revealed to us at once.

Each breath, each step is an opportunity to choose differently. In every moment, we have the ability to make conscious decisions that can lead us towards a different path or outcome. It reminds us that we are not bound by our past or limited by our circumstances, but rather, we have the freedom to choose differently and create a new reality for ourselves. Take ownership of our lives. By recognizing that we have the power to make choices, we can take responsibility for our actions and decisions, and actively participate in shaping our own destiny. 


How shall you choose this day? Approach our day with intention and mindfulness. Consider the values, priorities, and goals that we want to align with. By making conscious choices, we can ensure that our actions and decisions are in harmony with our true selves and what truly matters to us. Approach each day with intention, mindfulness, and conscious decision-making, we can live with purpose, align our actions with our values, and cultivate personal growth.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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