
Angel Message Of The Day: A Day of Remembrance

Angel of Freedom 


This day is a day of remembrance for all who have and continue to give their lives for others.  A day of remembrance is dedicated to honoring the sacrifices made by individuals who have given their lives for the greater good. This includes military personnel, first responders, healthcare workers, humanitarian aid workers, and countless others who have risked everything to protect and serve. Their bravery and commitment deserve our respect and recognition. This day also serves as a space to acknowledge the grief and loss experienced by families and communities affected by these sacrifices. It is a time to honor not only the fallen but also those who continue to carry the emotional weight of their absence. Recognizing this grief fosters empathy and compassion, reminding us of the human cost of sacrifice.


This day is a day of gratitude for all who sacrifice for the dream of freedom.  A day of gratitude is dedicated to recognizing the sacrifices made by individuals who have fought for freedom. This includes military personnel, activists, civil rights leaders, and everyday citizens who have stood up against oppression. Their courage and commitment to the cause of freedom deserve our deepest respect and appreciation. By expressing gratitude for those who have sacrificed for freedom, we inspire future generations to continue the fight. This day serves as a reminder that the dream of freedom is a shared responsibility. It encourages young people to engage in activism, advocacy, and community service, fostering a culture of awareness and action.


This day is a day for soldiers everywhere who answer the call to arms. This day is dedicated to honoring the commitment of soldiers who have chosen to serve their countries. These individuals often put their lives on the line, facing danger and uncertainty in the pursuit of peace and security. Their willingness to answer the call to arms reflects a deep sense of duty and sacrifice that deserves our utmost respect. By honoring soldiers who answer the call to arms, we inspire future generations to consider the values of service and sacrifice. This day serves as a reminder that military service is not just about conflict; it is also about the ideals of freedom, justice, and protection of the vulnerable. Encouraging young people to understand and appreciate these values fosters a culture of respect and commitment to service. Just like how to provide service on each day that the Universe gave to us.

A soldier is one who answers the call, a call to be compassionate where there is no compassion. In times of conflict, compassion can often be overshadowed by fear, anger, and division. Soldiers who embody compassion challenge this narrative by choosing to act with kindness and understanding. They serve as beacons of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, humanity can prevail. By answering the call to be compassionate, soldiers contribute to a legacy that transcends their immediate actions. Their efforts can inspire others to adopt a similar mindset, fostering a culture of empathy and understanding within their communities. This ripple effect can lead to lasting change, promoting peace and reconciliation in a world that often seems divided.


A soldier is one who answers the call to radiate the Light of Source where there is darkness.  Answering the call requires immense courage and resolve. It involves not only physical bravery but also moral strength. Soldiers often confront difficult decisions and must navigate complex situations where the stakes are high. Their ability to act decisively in the face of adversity speaks to their character and dedication to their mission. Radiating light in the face of darkness symbolizes the act of bringing positivity, hope, and healing to situations filled with despair, fear, or conflict. Soldiers who embody this light become agents of change, inspiring others to find strength and resilience in challenging circumstances. Their presence can uplift spirits and foster a sense of community and support. By radiating the Light of Source, soldiers demonstrate compassionate leadership. They serve as role models, showing that strength is not just about physical prowess but also about emotional intelligence and empathy. This approach encourages others to act with kindness and understanding, creating a ripple effect that can transform communities.


A soldier is one who answers the call to forgive themselves and others. Forgiveness is a powerful act that involves letting go of resentment, anger, or hurt caused by oneself or others. It is an essential component of healing, both for individuals and communities. By choosing to forgive, soldiers can release the burdens of guilt and pain, allowing for personal growth and emotional well-being. Forgiving others is equally important. Soldiers may encounter situations where they have been wronged, whether by adversaries, peers, or even their own leadership. Choosing to forgive those who have caused harm can be a transformative act, freeing them from the chains of bitterness and resentment. It allows soldiers to move forward with their lives, focusing on healing rather than holding onto past grievances. Forgiveness is often a necessary step on the path to lasting peace. By addressing past grievances and fostering understanding, soldiers can contribute to a more harmonious society. This commitment to forgiveness not only benefits individuals but also strengthens the fabric of communities, paving the way for a brighter future.


A soldier is more than one who bears arms. A soldier is a guardian of values such as freedom, justice, and honor. They represent the ideals of their nation and are often called upon to uphold these principles in various contexts, not just in times of war. This commitment to values underscores the moral and ethical dimensions of their service. The journey of a soldier is one of continuous learning and growth. They acquire a diverse skill set that includes leadership, teamwork, strategic thinking, and problem-solving. These skills are not only applicable in military contexts but also serve them well in civilian life, where they can contribute positively to society in various roles.

A soldier provides comfort, compassion, healing, forgiveness, and love.   Compassion is a cornerstone of a soldier’s character. They often witness the suffering of others, whether on the battlefield or in humanitarian missions. This exposure fosters a deep sense of empathy, driving soldiers to act with kindness and understanding toward those who are vulnerable or in distress. In addition to emotional support, soldiers often play a role in physical healing, especially in medical and humanitarian missions. They may provide first aid, assist in medical evacuations, or participate in disaster relief efforts, helping to restore health and well-being to those affected by violence or natural disasters. Ultimately, love is a healing force that soldiers can provide to others. By demonstrating love and compassion, they create an environment where healing can occur. This love extends beyond personal relationships; it can inspire communities to come together, fostering solidarity and hope in the aftermath of conflict.


A soldier answers the call of the Creator to stand and be counted. “To stand” signifies the courage to take a position, to be present in moments of crisis, and to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. Soldiers often find themselves in situations where they must make quick decisions that can have significant consequences. Standing firm in their convictions, they demonstrate bravery and integrity. “To be counted” emphasizes the importance of accountability. Soldiers recognize that their actions have far-reaching implications, not only for themselves but also for their comrades, their communities, and their nations. This sense of accountability fosters a culture of responsibility, where soldiers are aware of the weight of their choices and the impact they have on others. Standing and being counted also involves advocating for peace and justice. Many soldiers, especially those who have experienced the ravages of war, become voices for reconciliation and understanding. They recognize that true strength lies not only in military might but also in the ability to foster dialogue and promote harmony among diverse groups.


There are many soldiers traveling many paths. The emotional and psychological journeys of soldiers are also diverse. Many face challenges such as trauma, stress, and the struggle to reintegrate into civilian life after deployment. Others may find fulfillment and purpose in their service, developing resilience and camaraderie with their fellow soldiers. These emotional paths are crucial to understanding the holistic experience of military life. The relationships formed among soldiers, often referred to as brotherhood and sisterhood, are built on shared experiences and mutual support. These connections provide a safety net, allowing soldiers to lean on one another during difficult times. The understanding that each soldier is traveling their own path while still being part of a larger community strengthens these bonds. Each soldier’s journey is shaped by their background, experiences, and personal choices, contributing to a collective mission grounded in shared values. This diversity not only enhances the effectiveness of the military but also fosters deep connections among soldiers, creating a supportive environment where they can learn from one another and advocate for positive change. Recognizing the myriad paths that soldiers travel allows us to appreciate the complexity of their service and the profound impact they have on society.


Express your gratitude to all who serve the highest and best good for all. Serving the highest and best good involves a deep sense of ethical and moral responsibility. It requires individuals to consider the broader implications of their actions and decisions, striving to create positive change that uplifts and empowers others. This dedication to the common good is a hallmark of true service. One of the simplest yet most impactful ways to express gratitude is through words. A heartfelt “thank you” can go a long way in making someone feel valued and appreciated. Sharing stories of their impact can also reinforce the significance of their contributions. Another meaningful way to express gratitude is by supporting the causes and organizations that align with the mission of those who serve. This could involve donating time, resources, or funds to initiatives that promote the highest and best good for all, reinforcing the collective effort toward positive change.


Be kind to yourself as you travel the path before you, having the courage to walk the path before you. Courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to act despite it. Walking your path requires bravery, especially when faced with challenges or uncertainties. Acknowledging your fears while still choosing to move forward is a powerful testament to your strength. Practicing self-kindness fosters a nurturing environment where courage can flourish. As you face challenges with bravery, you can reflect on your achievements with kindness, creating a positive cycle that encourages further growth and exploration.

You are a soldier, a soldier of Light bearing gifts of love, light, compassion, gratitude, courage, and strength. Your light serves as an inspiration for others to find their own. By being a beacon of hope, you encourage those around you to embrace their potential and pursue their dreams. This ripple effect can create a community filled with optimism and ambition. Compassion goes beyond feeling; it involves taking action to alleviate the suffering of others. Whether through small acts of kindness or larger initiatives, your compassionate actions can make a significant difference in the lives of those around you. Your love can inspire others to act with compassion and kindness. It serves as a catalyst for positive change, encouraging people to come together and support one another in times of need. In this way, love becomes a powerful tool for transformation in both personal and communal contexts.


This day is a day of remembrance of all who have come before you so you may walk in the light in peace.  Walking in the light symbolizes living with clarity, purpose, and positivity. It encourages us to embrace hope and to pursue our goals with determination. The light represents knowledge, understanding, and the wisdom gained from those who have come before us. Peace is a fundamental aspect of a fulfilling life. It allows us to reflect, grow, and connect with others in meaningful ways. By remembering those who have come before us, we honor their struggles and sacrifices, fostering a sense of peace that transcends time. By walking in the light and embracing peace, we contribute to building a better future for ourselves and future generations. Our actions today can create a legacy of peace, understanding, and love, ensuring that the sacrifices of those who came before us are honored and remembered.


Celebrate the freedom to choose. Our choices often influence the relationships we build. By celebrating the freedom to choose, we recognize the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who uplift and inspire us. This fosters meaningful connections that enrich our lives and contribute to our well-being. With the freedom to choose comes the responsibility of making informed decisions. Celebrating this freedom involves acknowledging the complexities and challenges that accompany our choices. It encourages us to reflect on our values and consider the impact of our decisions on ourselves and others. By celebrating our own freedom to choose, we set an example for future generations. Encouraging young people to explore their options and make informed choices helps cultivate a culture of empowerment and self-determination.

Amanda Cooper

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