
Angel Message Of The Day: Balance, Re-Balance



In all things seek balance. In seeking balance, we acknowledge that each area of our lives deserves attention and care. We strive to create harmony between our work and personal life, our physical and mental well-being, our relationships and solitude, and our responsibilities and passions. By consciously allocating time and energy to these different aspects, we can cultivate a sense of wholeness and fulfillment. Finding balance also means honoring our own needs and limitations. It requires self-awareness and the ability to listen to our bodies, minds, and hearts. It involves recognizing when we are overextending ourselves, neglecting self-care, or sacrificing our well-being for the sake of external demands. By setting boundaries, practicing self-compassion, and prioritizing self-care, we can restore balance and prevent burnout. In the pursuit of balance, we embrace the present moment and cultivate mindfulness. We learn to be fully present in our experiences, to savor the joys and navigate the challenges with equanimity. By practicing mindfulness, we can detach from the pressures of the past or future, and find peace and clarity in the present.


In work and play seek balance. In the realm of work, seeking balance means finding a career or occupation that aligns with our values, interests, and strengths. It involves pursuing meaningful work that brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It also means setting healthy boundaries and managing our time and energy effectively to avoid burnout or becoming consumed by work. At the same time, seeking balance in play involves making time for leisure, hobbies, and activities that bring us joy and relaxation. It means engaging in activities that nourish our souls, promote creativity, and allow us to recharge. Play can take many forms, such as pursuing artistic endeavors, participating in sports or physical activities, spending time in nature, or simply engaging in activities that bring us happiness and a sense of freedom. Seeking balance in work and play also involves cultivating a healthy mindset. It means embracing the concept of work-life integration rather than strict separation. Instead of viewing work and play as opposing forces, we can strive to find ways to incorporate elements of enjoyment and fulfillment into our work and bring a sense of purpose and dedication to our leisure activities.

In action and solitude seek balance. Finding balance between action and solitude requires self-awareness and intentional choices. It involves recognizing when we are becoming too consumed by external demands and neglecting our need for solitude, or when we are isolating ourselves and avoiding necessary action. By listening to our own needs and honoring the ebb and flow of our energy, we can make conscious decisions to create a harmonious blend of action and solitude in our lives. Seeking balance in action and solitude also involves cultivating a healthy mindset. It means understanding that both states are valuable and necessary for our overall well-being. Engaging in action can bring a sense of purpose, connection, and accomplishment, while solitude can provide us with the space to recharge, reflect, and nurture our inner selves. By embracing the benefits of both, we can create a life that is balanced, fulfilling, and aligned with our truest selves.


There are many choices before you this day; choice between light and shadow, love and anger, dis-harmony and harmony, despair and joy, suffering and healing. The choice between light and shadow is a reflection of our inner disposition and how we choose to perceive the world. It is a choice between embracing positivity, compassion, and understanding, or succumbing to negativity, judgment, and cynicism. By choosing the path of light, we cultivate hope, kindness, and empathy, spreading warmth and illumination to those around us. The choice between love and anger speaks to the power of our emotions and how we respond to life’s challenges. It is a choice between cultivating love, forgiveness, and compassion, or allowing anger, resentment, and hostility to consume us. By choosing love, we foster connection, understanding, and unity, creating a ripple effect of positivity and harmony in our relationships and communities. 


Each step, each breath, each thought gifts you with choice, and to choose differently than the moment before. Every step you take, whether literal or metaphorical, offers a chance to redirect your course. It is a reminder that you are not bound by the past or confined to a predetermined path. In each step, you have the freedom to choose a different direction, to explore new possibilities, and to chart your own unique journey. Similarly, with each breath, you are gifted with the opportunity to pause, to center yourself, and to make conscious choices. In the rhythm of your breath, you can find clarity, grounding, and a renewed sense of presence. Each inhalation and exhalation invites you to let go of what no longer serves you and to embrace a fresh perspective, enabling you to make choices that align with your values and aspirations. To choose differently than the moment before is an acknowledgment of your capacity for growth and transformation. It is an invitation to break free from patterns that no longer serve you and to embrace new possibilities. Each choice you make, no matter how small, has the potential to ripple through your life, shaping your experiences, relationships, and overall well-being.

Gift yourself with a moment of silence, re-balancing thoughts, emotions, action or non-action. In this moment of silence, you have the opportunity to re-balance your thoughts. It is a chance to observe the patterns and narratives that play out in your mind, and consciously choose which thoughts to engage with and which to release. By bringing awareness to your thoughts, you can challenge any negative or limiting beliefs, and replace them with empowering and positive ones. This re-balancing of thoughts allows you to cultivate a mindset that supports your growth, resilience, and well-being. Emotions, too, can benefit from this moment of silence. It is an invitation to acknowledge and honor your emotions without judgment or resistance. By creating space for your emotions to be felt and expressed, you can gain insight into their underlying messages and find healthy ways to process and release them. This re-balancing of emotions allows you to cultivate emotional well-being and a greater sense of inner peace. Gift yourself with this moment of silence as often as you need, for it is in these moments that you can find the clarity and re-alignment necessary to navigate life with grace and intention. Whether it is a few deep breaths, a meditation practice, or simply finding a quiet space to be alone with your thoughts, embrace the power of silence as a tool for self-care, self-discovery, and self-transformation.


Light a green candle, focus upon the flame. As you gaze upon the flame, let your focus become absorbed by its radiant energy. Notice the vibrant hues of green and yellow that dance within the flickering light. Allow the warmth and brightness of the flame to envelop you, creating a sense of comfort and tranquility. In this moment of focused attention, you can experience a deepening of your connection to the present moment. As your gaze remains fixed upon the flame, let your mind gently release any thoughts or distractions that may arise. Instead, allow yourself to be fully immersed in the present, embracing the stillness and peace that the flame offers. As you continue to focus upon the flame, you may find that your breath naturally slows and deepens. Allow each inhale and exhale to become a conscious act, grounding you further into the present moment. Feel the gentle rhythm of your breath harmonize with the gentle dance of the flame, creating a sense of unity and harmony within.

The flame of a candle is steady, burning brightly, a beacon of light in the darkness. As you gaze upon the flame, you can’t help but be captivated by its presence. It flickers and dances, its delicate movements creating a mesmerizing display of light and shadow. Despite its small size, the flame possesses an inherent power, radiating warmth and illumination that can transform even the darkest of spaces. In the midst of darkness, the flame of a candle serves as a symbol of resilience and strength. It reminds us that even in the face of adversity, there is always a glimmer of light to be found. It represents the unwavering spirit within us, the part of us that refuses to be extinguished by life’s challenges. The flame’s brightness is a source of comfort and reassurance. It illuminates the surrounding space, dispelling shadows and bringing clarity to our surroundings. In its presence, we find a sense of security and peace, knowing that we are not alone in the darkness. The flame’s radiance invites us to embrace the light within ourselves, to let it shine forth and guide us through life’s challenges. Just as the flame of a candle serves as a beacon of light, it also invites us to be a source of light for others. Its warmth and illumination are not meant to be hoarded, but rather shared with those around us. By embracing our own inner light and allowing it to shine forth, we can inspire and uplift others, helping them find their way through their own darkness.


At times there is movement, enough movement to snuff the light of the candle, simply re-light the flame and re-light the flame within you. As we re-light the flame, we also re-light the flame within us. We tap into our inner reserves of strength, courage, and perseverance. We reconnect with our values, dreams, and aspirations, allowing them to guide us forward. We remind ourselves that we have the power to overcome adversity and to shine brightly, even in the face of challenges. In the process of re-lighting the flame, we cultivate a renewed sense of purpose and determination. We acknowledge that setbacks are not the end of the journey, but rather a detour that can lead us to unexpected paths and opportunities. We embrace the idea that failure is not a reflection of our worth, but rather a stepping stone towards growth and success.


That which is before you, seek the nugget of joy within the situation or circumstance; seek balance in thought, emotion, action. Seeking the nugget of joy requires a conscious effort to focus on the positive aspects of the situation. It is about training your mind to look beyond the challenges or difficulties and instead, seek out the silver linings, the lessons, or the moments of growth that can be found within. By seeking balance in thought, emotion, and action, you create a foundation for finding joy. Balance allows you to approach situations with a calm and centered mindset, enabling you to navigate challenges with clarity and resilience. It involves cultivating a sense of equanimity, where you can acknowledge and process your emotions without being overwhelmed by them. Taking balanced action means approaching situations with intention and mindfulness. It involves making choices that align with your values and contribute to your overall well-being. By taking actions that are in harmony with your true self, you create a sense of alignment and fulfillment, which can lead to a greater sense of joy and satisfaction. Seeking the nugget of joy and finding balance in thought, emotion, and action is a practice that requires patience, self-awareness, and a willingness to look beyond the surface. It is about embracing the idea that joy can be found in even the most challenging circumstances, and that it is within your power to cultivate it.


Seek peace within, seek the light, seek harmony. Seeking peace within is a deliberate choice to cultivate a state of inner calm and serenity. It involves quieting the mind, releasing the burdens of worry and stress, and embracing a sense of acceptance and surrender. It is about finding a place of refuge, where we can retreat to recharge, rejuvenate, and reconnect with our true selves. In the pursuit of peace, we also seek the light. The light represents wisdom, clarity, and truth. It is the guiding force that illuminates our path and helps us navigate through the darkness. By seeking the light, we invite knowledge, understanding, and awareness into our lives. We open ourselves up to new perspectives, insights, and possibilities. Seeking peace within, seeking the light, and seeking harmony are intertwined practices that support and nourish each other. They form the foundation for a life of inner fulfillment, joy, and purpose. They remind us that true peace and harmony are not external conditions to be sought, but rather states of being that can be cultivated from within.

Seek balance this day and the days before you. Seeking balance is not about striving for perfection or achieving a static state of equilibrium. It is about embracing the ebb and flow of life, adapting to change, and finding a dynamic equilibrium that allows you to navigate the ups and downs with resilience and grace. In seeking balance, it is important to be mindful of your priorities and boundaries. It means learning to say no when necessary, setting realistic expectations, and finding a healthy balance between work, relationships, self-care, and leisure. It is about finding a rhythm that honors your unique needs and values.


Go in peace. Going in peace also means cultivating a compassionate and forgiving heart. It involves extending kindness and understanding to yourself and others, recognizing that we are all imperfect beings on our own unique journeys. It is about embracing empathy, love, and acceptance, fostering connections and relationships that are rooted in harmony and understanding. To go in peace is to be present in the moment, fully embracing the here and now. It is an invitation to let go of regrets about the past and worries about the future, and instead, to immerse yourself in the beauty and possibilities of the present moment. It is about finding joy and gratitude in the small moments, appreciating the blessings that surround you.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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