
Angel Message Of The Day : Be Open To That Which Is Already Yours

Angel Gadiel 


There is a stirring within you at this moment. What first comes to mind? Do you feel that there is a change that is a long time coming now? Do not be afraid to be ambitious and to challenge yourself once and for all. After all, you are always guided by the light that is within you. When you think about the changes in your life and ideas, there are, for sure, thoughts that have been clouding your mind lately. It seems like it is the best time to dwell on them now. Take time to ponder and really think of what parts of your life are you seeking change.


Do you wish to transform your life? Do you wish to release limiting beliefs? What kind of transformation have you been seeking? It is normal that even if you are content with how your life is right now, you are still looking for improvements and changes. The transformation can be a change in careers, a change in mindset, or even a change in perspective. As humans, we are always changing, and you should remember not to limit yourself just because of traditions or factors that you are taking into consideration. As long as the transformation and changes will not deliberately cause intentional harm to others and would also help you grow as a better person, then why should you limit yourself? These are things you should look into. 

Do you seek assistance in maintaining a most loving, judgment-free sense of yourself and others as you travel the journey before you? We are always faced with prejudice, and it is inevitable to judge or to be judged sometimes. In order to avoid this, you have to give space to love and light in your heart instead. When there is love, there is understanding, empathy, and compassion about all the things that people may go through. There would be no judgment, as love will overpower any prejudice.


Whichever you choose in seeking assistance, know Angel Gadiel is by your side for the asking. Know that in your journey to transformation or change, you are always being guided and you will never feel alone. Light a yellow candle, and feel a slight breeze play upon your skin. Close your eyes, breathe deeply; exhaling slowly. There is much love within you at this moment. Let the love in your life as it will only bring you much peace, joy, understanding, compassion, and so much more. 


There is much love in all that surrounds you. Take solace for there is much to celebrate along the journey in the realm of the physical senses. There is much to release as there will always be those who would seek to destroy that which you hold closest to your heart. You always have a choice to dwell on the negativity that the physical realm may bring, or you can choose to focus on the love that radiates within you. Release all of the things that will no longer serve you. 

Take heed, hold Sacred that which is your truth. Hold Sacred that which radiates from your heart center. Hold the vision of that which you desire most. Hold the vision for others in times of great need. Hold the vision of peace and harmony. Hold the vision of great love for all humankind.  Hold the vision of abundance for there is surely enough for all. You will surely be blessed by all of what you desire the most or better. In due time, all of the visions you have for yourself and for the world around you will come to fruition soon enough. 


Release all thoughts, emotions, actions, and perceived hurt.  In the release of all, there is great joy. Rejoice for all is yours for the asking. Do not dwell on the things that should not bear fruit and will only hinder your growth. Once all of these are released, you can make sure that the feeling of freedom and peace will come to you. Make sure to focus on achieving the bliss and happiness you have been seeking all along. Trust that all will be well in time. Be open to receiving that which you are wanting. Be open to that which you are asking.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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