
Angel Message Of The Day: Choose Your Point of Focus



In the early dawn of the morn all rise with the glorious light of the sun; a symbol of light, warmth, of passions renewed. The early dawn of the morning holds a special energy, a time of transition from darkness to light. As the sun begins to rise, it illuminates the world, dispelling the shadows and bringing forth a new day. This daily occurrence serves as a powerful reminder of the cyclical nature of life, offering us the opportunity to start anew and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. The sun, with its radiant light, represents illumination and clarity. As it casts its rays upon the earth, it reveals the beauty that surrounds us, both externally and internally. The warmth it brings not only nourishes the physical world but also touches our hearts and souls, awakening a sense of joy, hope, and vitality within us.


Think back, for a moment, to that which has passed. As we delve into the past, we are reminded of the lessons learned, the challenges faced, and the growth that has taken place. Each memory holds a story, a thread in the intricate fabric of our existence. Some memories may bring a smile to our faces, evoking feelings of joy, love, and gratitude. Others may stir up emotions of sadness, pain, or regret. But all of them, whether positive or negative, have contributed to our growth and understanding of ourselves and the world around us. In this moment of reflection, let us not only focus on our own personal past but also acknowledge the collective history that has shaped our world. By understanding the past, we can learn from the mistakes and triumphs of those who came before us, fostering a deeper appreciation for the present and a commitment to creating a better future.

Were there not moments, many moments of joy, happiness, laughter, and love? Laughter, like a symphony of pure delight, has echoed through the corridors of our memories. The sound of laughter is contagious, spreading joy and lightness to all who hear it. Whether it was a spontaneous burst of laughter with friends, a funny joke shared with a loved one, or a humorous memory that still brings a smile to our faces, these moments of laughter have brightened our days and created bonds of connection and camaraderie. Love, that ethereal force that weaves its way through our lives, has left an indelible mark on our hearts. The moments of love we have experienced may have been tender gestures of affection, heartfelt words spoken, or acts of kindness that touched our souls. They may have been the embrace of a loved one, the support of a friend, or the unconditional love of a pet. Love has the power to heal, to inspire, and to remind us of our interconnectedness. Happiness, like a gentle breeze on a summer’s day, has swept through our lives, bringing a sense of contentment and fulfillment. These moments of happiness may have been found in the simplest of pleasures, like savoring a delicious meal, witnessing a beautiful sunrise, or immersing ourselves in a favorite hobby. They may have been experienced during moments of achievement, personal growth, or when surrounded by loved ones. Happiness reminds us to embrace the present moment, to find joy in the little things, and to cultivate a positive outlook on life. As we reflect upon these moments of joy, happiness, laughter, and love, let us hold them close to our hearts. They serve as reminders of the beauty and abundance that exists within and around us. They are the threads that weave together the tapestry of our lives, creating a vibrant and meaningful existence.

Perhaps there was but a moment or two that were not as you wanted them to be. It is in these moments of disappointment or frustration that we are reminded of our humanity, our imperfections, and the inherent unpredictability of life. We may have experienced setbacks, made mistakes, or faced unexpected obstacles. These moments can be disheartening, leaving us feeling discouraged or questioning our abilities. However, it is important to remember that these moments do not define us. They are but fleeting instances in the grand tapestry of our lives. Just as a single thread does not determine the beauty of a woven fabric, these moments do not diminish the overall richness and depth of our experiences.


Will you choose to dwell in this place? When faced with challenging moments or difficult circumstances, it is natural to find ourselves drawn to dwell in those spaces. We may be tempted to immerse ourselves in negativity, self-doubt, or regret. These places can be alluring, offering a sense of familiarity or even a temporary escape from the complexities of life. However, dwelling in these spaces can be detrimental to our well-being and personal growth. It can keep us stuck in a cycle of negativity, preventing us from moving forward and embracing the opportunities that lie ahead. It can drain our energy, hinder our progress, and limit our ability to experience joy, love, and fulfillment. Instead, we have the power to choose where we dwell. We can consciously decide to shift our focus, redirect our thoughts, and choose a different emotional landscape. We can choose to dwell in a place of gratitude, where we appreciate the blessings and abundance in our lives. We can choose to dwell in a place of forgiveness, where we release the weight of past grievances and open ourselves to healing and growth. We can choose to dwell in a place of hope, where we believe in the possibilities that lie ahead and cultivate a positive outlook on life.


Choose instead to dwell in those moments which brought joy, laughter, happiness, hope and faith in the moments yet to be. Within the vast tapestry of our lives, there are countless threads woven with moments of pure delight, warmth, and inspiration. These are the moments that deserve our attention, our gratitude, and our choice to dwell within them. In the tapestry of joy, we find moments that have illuminated our hearts and brought smiles to our faces. They may be memories of shared laughter with loved ones, moments of accomplishment and success, or experiences that filled us with a deep sense of contentment. These moments remind us of the beauty and wonder that exists in the world, and they invite us to cherish the simple pleasures that bring us joy.


Choose to dwell among thoughts, feelings of joy, love and happiness. Thoughts of joy, like rays of sunshine, illuminate our minds and hearts. They are the thoughts that bring a smile to our faces, that fill us with a sense of delight and wonder. These thoughts may arise from memories of cherished moments, from the anticipation of future adventures, or from the appreciation of the present. They remind us to find beauty in the simplest of things, to cultivate gratitude for the blessings that surround us, and to embrace a mindset of positivity and optimism. Love, like a gentle breeze, flows through our thoughts and emotions, bringing warmth and connection. It is the deep affection and care we feel for ourselves and for others. When we choose to dwell in thoughts of love, we open ourselves to compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. We recognize the inherent worth and value of every being, and we cultivate a sense of unity and empathy. Love reminds us of the power of human connection, the joy of giving and receiving, and the transformative nature of kindness.

You will attract to you more joy, happiness, laughter, and love. The energy we emit into the world has a profound impact on the experiences and people we attract into our lives. When we choose to dwell in thoughts and feelings of joy, happiness, laughter, and love, we create a magnetic force that draws more of these positive qualities towards us. By consciously choosing to dwell in thoughts and feelings of joy, happiness, laughter, and love, we become magnets for these positive qualities. We align ourselves with the energy of abundance and attract experiences and people that reflect our inner state. Our positive energy becomes a beacon, guiding us towards a life filled with joy, happiness, laughter, and love.


Choosing to dwell on the few moments of fleeting disappointment and you will attract to you more disappointment. Disappointment, like a cloud that temporarily obscures the sun, can cast a shadow over our perspective. It is natural to feel disappointment when things don’t go as planned or when our expectations are not met. However, dwelling on these moments excessively can perpetuate a cycle of negativity and attract more disappointments into our lives. When we choose to dwell on disappointment, we inadvertently reinforce a mindset that focuses on lack, failure, and dissatisfaction. This mindset becomes a magnet, attracting situations and circumstances that align with our negative expectations. It can cloud our ability to see the opportunities for growth and learning that lie within moments of disappointment. By fixating on disappointment, we may also unknowingly close ourselves off to the potential for joy, happiness, and fulfillment that exists in other areas of our lives. Our energy becomes consumed by negativity, making it difficult to recognize and appreciate the positive aspects of our experiences. Instead, it is important to acknowledge and process moments of disappointment, allowing ourselves to feel the emotions associated with them. However, it is equally important to consciously shift our focus towards more positive aspects of our lives. By redirecting our attention towards gratitude, resilience, and the lessons learned from disappointment, we can begin to attract more positive experiences and opportunities.


Choose your point of focus wisely. Choosing our point of focus wisely means consciously directing our attention towards what uplifts and empowers us. It means recognizing that we have the power to shift our perspective and choose where we place our energy. By focusing on what brings us joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose, we create a positive momentum that attracts more of these qualities into our lives. When we choose to focus on gratitude, we cultivate an attitude of appreciation and abundance. We recognize the blessings, big and small, that enrich our lives and foster a sense of contentment. Gratitude allows us to shift our attention away from what is lacking and instead focus on what we already have, opening the door to more blessings and opportunities. When we choose to focus on growth and learning, we embrace the challenges and setbacks as stepping stones towards personal development. We see obstacles as opportunities for resilience, creativity, and self-discovery. By shifting our attention towards the lessons and growth potential within difficult situations, we attract more wisdom, strength, and personal evolution.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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