
Angel Message Of The Day: Disintegrate Dirty Energy

Angels of the Violet Flame 


We, Angels of the Violet Flame surround you in the most beautiful violet light. The violet flame represents the transformative power of divine love and forgiveness. It is believed to transmute lower vibrational energies into higher frequencies, allowing for spiritual growth, healing, and liberation. The violet light serves as a reminder of the potential for spiritual transformation and the assistance available from the angelic realm.The Angels of the Violet Flame are present around you, enveloping you in their divine presence and support. Their presence signifies a loving and protective energy that is available to assist and guide you on your spiritual journey. surrounding you, these angels create a sacred space of healing, transformation, and spiritual upliftment.


We, Angels of the Violet Flame surround you in the most beautiful violet light. The violet flame represents the transformative power of divine love and forgiveness. It is believed to transmute lower vibrational energies into higher frequencies, allowing for spiritual growth, healing, and liberation. The violet light serves as a reminder of the potential for spiritual transformation and the assistance available from the angelic realm. The Angels of the Violet Flame are present around you, enveloping you in their divine presence and support. Their presence signifies a loving and protective energy that is available to assist and guide you on your spiritual journey. surrounding you, these angels create a sacred space of healing, transformation, and spiritual upliftment. As you exhale, imagine releasing all worries, concerns, and stresses that have accumulated throughout the day. Visualize these burdens leaving your body and mind with each breath out. This practice helps you let go of negative thoughts and emotions, creating space for a more peaceful and centered state of being.


Feel, sense, see, brilliant violet light all round your physical body extending beyond all your energy bodies. Tap into your sense of touch and cultivate a somatic experience of the violet light. As you bring your attention to your physical body, allow yourself to feel the subtle energy and warmth of the violet light as it surrounds you. This practice helps you connect with the present moment and deepen your awareness of the energetic sensations within and around you. The existence of subtle energy bodies or layers that extend beyond the physical form. By visualizing the violet light extending beyond your physical body, you invite its transformative energy to permeate and harmonize all aspects of your being, including your emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions.


Violet light is above you, behind you, in front of you, and below you.  The divine and celestial energies that are available to support and guide you. By acknowledging the presence of the violet light above you, you open yourself to receive divine inspiration, wisdom, and guidance from the higher realms. This connection to the higher realms can bring a sense of transcendence, expanded consciousness, and a deeper understanding of your spiritual path.The Earth’s energy and supports you in staying rooted and centered amidst the demands of daily life. By acknowledging the presence of the violet light below you, you invite its energy to anchor you in the present moment, fostering a sense of stability, balance, and connection to the Earth. This aspect of the violet light can bring grounding, strength, and a sense of being supported in your physical existence.


Dare to see the brilliant white-hot flames of violet light disintegrate all dirty, negative energy within and around you. Visualize the violet flame disintegrating and dissolving any dirty or negative energy within and around you. This includes any emotional heaviness, mental patterns, or energetic blockages that may be hindering your well-being and spiritual growth. By visualizing the disintegration of negative energy, you create space for positive energy to flow and invite a sense of lightness and clarity into your being. Your energy field extends beyond your physical body and encompasses your surroundings. By visualizing the violet flame disintegrating negative energy within and around you, you address both your internal state and the energetic environment you inhabit. This practice promotes a harmonious and balanced energy field, fostering a sense of well-being and positivity.


Trust this is so. Belief is a powerful force that can shape your reality. When you trust in the truth of the affirmation, you open yourself to the possibility of its manifestation in your life. By believing in the positive outcomes and benefits of the affirmation, you create a mindset that is conducive to attracting and experiencing those desired results. Trusting in the truth of the affirmation helps you let go of resistance and doubt. When you trust that something is true and valid, you release any inner resistance or skepticism that may hinder your progress or growth. This allows you to be more open and receptive to the positive changes and opportunities that may arise from embracing the affirmation.


Trust in your Self-Power, ask us to assist you, we are many, and we are everywhere every moment. Recognize and believe in the strength, wisdom, and intuition that resides within you. By trusting in your Self-Power, you cultivate a deep sense of self-confidence, resilience, and empowerment. This trust enables you to tap into your inner resources, make empowered decisions, and navigate through life’s challenges with grace and determination. There are numerous beings or energies ready to support you on your journey. This realization brings comfort, knowing that you are not alone and that there are countless resources and allies available to you. It highlights the power of unity, collaboration, and the interconnectedness of all beings. By recognizing the multitude of support that surrounds you, you can tap into a sense of belonging, community, and shared purpose.


Allow Angels of the Violet Flame to surround you, protect you, to keep you safe from harmful thoughts, emotions, energies, and circumstances of others. Harmful thoughts, emotions, energies, and circumstances can impact your well-being and spiritual growth. The Angels of the Violet Flame are called upon to keep you safe from these negative influences. They can help transmute and release any lower vibrations or energies that may be affecting you, allowing you to maintain a higher state of consciousness and inner peace. The Angels of the Violet Flame are divine beings who offer guidance, support, and protection. By allowing their presence in your life, you can tap into their wisdom and receive guidance on your spiritual path. They can help you navigate challenges, make empowered choices, and align with your highest purpose. Their loving presence can bring comfort, reassurance, and a sense of divine connection.


Now, this moment all is that is not for your highest and best good, all that is not of love and light, all thoughts, emotions, circumstances, situations, experiences, all that is not of love and light, now, this moment disintegrates. Focus on the here and now, as it is in the present moment that you have the ability to create change and transformation. By bringing your awareness to the present moment, you can consciously choose to release anything that no longer serves you. There may be aspects of your life that are not aligned with your highest good. It encourages you to let go of anything that hinders your growth, happiness, or well-being. By releasing what no longer serves you, you create space for new opportunities, positive experiences, and personal growth.


Violet light protection surrounds you in the moment of the asking. he concept of protection implies creating a barrier or shield that shields you from any harmful or negative influences. It acts as a safeguard against lower vibrations, negative energies, and unwanted external influences. This protective shield helps maintain your energetic boundaries and supports your overall well-being. This means that it envelops your entire being, including your physical body, energetic field, and aura. This comprehensive protection ensures that you are shielded from all directions, leaving no room for any unwanted energies to penetrate.


You need only think the words Violet Light and it is done. It carries a high frequency and vibration that can help cleanse and purify your energy field. By thinking about Violet Light, you are invoking its divine qualities and inviting its transformative energy into your experience. Violet Light can act as a protective shield, creating a barrier against lower vibrations and negative influences. This shield helps maintain your energetic boundaries and supports your overall well-being. Lastly, thinking about Violet Light can help you connect with your spiritual essence, promoting inner peace, harmony, and a deeper sense of connection with the divine.


Violet Light shall make the way before you clear, burning away all that is not of love and light. The transformative nature of Violet Light. It has the ability to burn away any energies, thoughts, or emotions that are not aligned with love and light. This purification process helps release negativity, attachments, and anything that hinders your spiritual growth and well-being. By removing these obstacles, Violet Light creates a space for love, light, and positivity to flourish. it brings clarity and illumination to your path, helping you make decisions and take actions that are in alignment with your highest good. It assists in removing any confusion or doubt, allowing you to move forward with confidence and purpose. Secondly, Violet Light purifies your energy field, releasing any negative or stagnant energies that may be weighing you down. This purification process can bring about a sense of lightness, renewal, and inner peace. Lastly, by burning away all that is not of love and light, Violet Light supports your spiritual growth and evolution. It helps you align with higher vibrations, connect with your authentic self, and embody the qualities of love, compassion, and joy.


Trust this is so and so be it, so be it, so be it thank you. Trust in the manifestation process, affirming your intention, and expressing gratitude, you open yourself up to receiving your desired outcome. Trusting that it is so aligns your energy with abundance, and embrace these practices, you create a fertile ground for the manifestation of your desires.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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