
Angel Message Of The Day: Free Yourself from What Was

Angel Prince of the North 


There is much to be thankful for. Gratitude is a powerful practice that invites us to acknowledge the abundance present in our lives. It encourages us to recognize the many gifts we often take for granted—be it the warmth of the sun, the beauty of nature, or the simple pleasures of daily life. By cultivating an awareness of these gifts, we can foster a deeper appreciation for our experiences. One of the most profound sources of gratitude comes from our relationships with others. Friends, family, colleagues, and even acquaintances contribute to our lives in meaningful ways. Taking time to appreciate these connections can deepen our bonds and enhance our sense of belonging. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, is worthy of gratitude. Whether it’s a smile from a stranger, a helping hand from a friend, or the support of loved ones during challenging times, these gestures remind us of the goodness in humanity. Acknowledging these moments fosters a sense of community and connection.


There is much to accept; there is much to discard. Life is inherently imperfect, and accepting this truth can lead to greater peace. We all have flaws, make mistakes, and face challenges. By embracing our imperfections and those of others, we cultivate compassion and understanding, both for ourselves and for the world around us. Acceptance also involves acknowledging our emotions, whether they are positive or negative. Instead of suppressing feelings like sadness, anger, or fear, we can accept them as valid responses to our experiences. This acceptance allows us to process our emotions healthily, leading to emotional resilience. Many of us carry limiting beliefs that hinder our growth. These beliefs may stem from past experiences, societal expectations, or negative self-talk. Discarding these mental barriers opens the door to new perspectives and opportunities, allowing us to pursue our goals with confidence. The interplay between acceptance and discarding is essential for personal growth. Acceptance allows us to understand and embrace our current reality, while discarding empowers us to make conscious choices about what we want to keep in our lives. Striking a balance between the two creates a dynamic space for transformation.

Imagine there are two baskets at your feet. As you fill the first basket, recognize the power of intention behind your choices. Each item you place in this basket represents a commitment to yourself and your well-being. This intentionality fosters a sense of purpose and direction in your life. As you stand before the two baskets, take a moment to reflect on your life. What are the things you cherish and want to nurture? What are the aspects that no longer serve you? This process of self-awareness is crucial in determining what to place in each basket. Once you’ve identified what you wish to let go of, visualize the act of placing those items in the second basket. This symbolic gesture can be liberating, allowing you to release the weight of past burdens and negative influences. It is an act of empowerment, reclaiming your space and energy.


One basket is violet, the other is golden yellow. Violet is often associated with spirituality, creativity, and introspection. This basket may represent your journey toward self-discovery and enlightenment. It holds the experiences, insights, and lessons that contribute to your spiritual evolution. The calming nature of violet encourages you to look inward. This basket can hold your reflections, meditations, and moments of clarity that help you understand yourself better. Golden yellow encourages a mindset of positivity and openness to new experiences. This basket may contain your hopes, dreams, and the opportunities you wish to embrace. Recognizing the importance of both baskets allows you to create a holistic approach to your life. Embracing the depth of your inner world while also celebrating the vibrancy of your external experiences fosters a sense of wholeness and fulfillment.


In the violet basket place all that has come before which no longer serves you, all negative thoughts, emotions, disappointments, hurts, experiences. The act of placing these burdens in the violet basket is an acknowledgment of their existence in your life. Acceptance is the first step toward healing. By recognizing what no longer serves you, you empower yourself to take control of your emotional landscape. Take time to reflect on each item you place in the violet basket. What lessons have you learned from these experiences? How have they shaped you? This reflection can provide valuable insights and help you understand the role these elements have played in your life. Consider creating a ritual around this process. This could involve writing down your negative thoughts, emotions, and experiences on paper and then placing them in the violet basket. You might even choose to burn the paper as a symbolic act of release, allowing the smoke to carry away what no longer serves you.


In the golden yellow basket place all that has come before this moment which is positive, loving, and joy filled. The act of placing positive, loving, and joy-filled experiences in the golden yellow basket is a powerful acknowledgment of the good in your life. It encourages you to appreciate the moments that have shaped your happiness and well-being. As you fill the golden yellow basket, you cultivate a mindset focused on positivity and gratitude. This practice can help shift your perspective, allowing you to recognize and celebrate the abundance of joy in your life. With the golden yellow basket now filled with positivity, consider how these experiences can inspire your future actions. Reflect on how you can continue to create joyful moments and nurture loving relationships moving forward.

Look at the two baskets. As you observe the two baskets, recognize that they symbolize your journey thus far. Each basket holds pieces of your story—moments of struggle and triumph, pain and joy. This acknowledgment is essential for personal growth, as it allows you to honor your past while also looking forward to the future. The violet basket encourages you to actively release what no longer serves you. This is not a one-time event but a continuous practice of self-awareness and emotional hygiene. The golden yellow basket invites you to cultivate and nurture joy in your life. It’s a call to seek out positive experiences and relationships that uplift you, reinforcing the importance of gratitude and celebration.


Which basket is heavy? Which basket is light? Acknowledge how this heaviness influences your daily life. Does it hold you back from pursuing your goals? Does it cloud your ability to experience joy? Understanding the weight of the violet basket is the first step toward healing and transformation. The weight of this basket symbolizes the emotional and mental burdens you carry. Each item placed within it represents a piece of your past that may still affect your present. This heaviness can manifest as stress, anxiety, or feelings of being overwhelmed. Reflect on how this lightness can empower you. When you focus on the joyful moments and loving connections, you create a sense of buoyancy that can elevate your spirit and inspire you to take on new challenges. This awareness empowers you to take action. You might choose to actively work on releasing the burdens in the violet basket through practices such as journaling, therapy, or mindfulness.  


Which basket would you choose to carry with you? When choosing to carry the violet basket means you are ready to confront and acknowledge the burdens that have shaped you. This could involve reflecting on past traumas, regrets, or negative thought patterns that you have been holding onto. When choosing the golden yellow basket signifies a commitment to embrace the positive aspects of your life. It reflects a desire to focus on what brings you happiness, fulfillment, and connection. Life is rarely black and white. You may find that both baskets hold valuable lessons and experiences. Recognizing the importance of both the burdens and the joys can lead to a more nuanced understanding of your journey. If you choose to carry the violet basket, you may find opportunities to share your story and experiences with others, offering support and understanding to those who may be facing similar challenges. Conversely, if you choose the golden yellow basket, you can inspire and uplift those around you. Your positivity can create a ripple effect, encouraging others to embrace joy and gratitude in their own lives.


It matters not how much you place into the golden yellow basket for it shall always remain filled with love and light. Each time you add a joyful memory, a moment of gratitude, or an act of kindness, you are consciously choosing to focus on the positive aspects of life. This act of filling the basket becomes a practice of mindfulness and appreciation. By continually adding to this basket, you create a legacy of light that can inspire others. Your experiences and the love you share become a source of encouragement for those who may be struggling to find their own light.It’s not about how many joyful moments you accumulate but the depth of those experiences. A single heartfelt connection can be more powerful than a multitude of fleeting interactions.  In moments of darkness, the love and light you’ve cultivated can serve as a beacon, guiding you back to a place of peace and joy. This resilience reinforces the idea that love is a powerful force that can overcome obstacles.

Be willing to see, feel or sense the heaviness of all you have carried with you in the violet basket. Allow all in the violet basket to be transformed with love, freeing you from the heaviness of what was. As you let go of the heaviness, you open yourself up to new possibilities. This newfound freedom allows you to move forward with a lighter heart and a clearer mind, ready to embrace the present and future. With the violet basket lighter, you can now focus on filling it with positive experiences, love, and gratitude. This shift in focus can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful existence. Embrace the love you have cultivated through this transformation. Nurturing self-love is essential for maintaining the lightness you have achieved. Engage in practices that uplift you, such as mindfulness, self-care, and positive affirmations.


Your entire being is filled with light and love, healing from within, radiating peacefulness, radiating harmony and joy. Peacefulness arises from a deep sense of acceptance and contentment. When you are at peace with yourself, you create a tranquil environment that influences those around you. This calmness can serve as a refuge for others, inviting them to experience serenity in your presence. Engaging in mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing, can enhance your ability to radiate peace. These practices help you connect with the present moment, allowing you to release stress and anxiety.  As you embody harmony, you become more attuned to the needs and feelings of those around you. This sensitivity fosters healthier relationships built on mutual respect, understanding, and love.

Free yourself to float along the path before you collecting, adding many joy filled moments to the golden yellow basket. The joy you collect can be shared with others, uplifting their spirits and encouraging them to seek their own moments of happiness. Your positive energy can inspire a collective sense of joy within your community. As you share your joy-filled moments, you foster deeper connections with others. These shared experiences create bonds that enhance relationships and cultivate a supportive environment. Stay open to new opportunities and adventures that come your way. Each new experience has the potential to add to your golden yellow basket, enriching your life in unexpected ways.


Do not fear for all is made whole in the Light of Source. The Light of Source has the power to heal wounds, both physical and emotional. It restores balance and harmony, allowing you to reclaim your sense of self and purpose. Letting go of fear means trusting that everything unfolds as it should. Embrace the idea that challenges and uncertainties are opportunities for growth and learning. When you acknowledge your wholeness, you can embrace vulnerability without fear. This openness allows for deeper connections with others and a more authentic expression of your true self. As you connect with this Light, you naturally radiate positivity and kindness. Your presence can uplift others, creating a ripple effect of love and healing in the world.


Free thy Self from what was. Your past is a part of your story, but it does not define you. Honor your experiences without allowing them to dictate your future. Embrace the narrative of resilience and strength that you have created. Reflect on your past experiences as valuable lessons that have shaped who you are today. Acknowledge the growth that has come from both challenges and triumphs. As you release the past, consider setting intentions for your future. What do you want to create? What experiences do you wish to invite into your life? Setting clear intentions can guide your journey forward. With the past behind you, embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. Each day is a new opportunity to create the life you desire, unencumbered by previous limitations.

Amanda Cooper

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