
Angel Message Of The Day: Freedom and Grace

Archangel Zadkiel 


This moment is filled with grace. This moment is filled with freedom. Grace can be seen as the divine presence or blessings that flow into our lives. Develop gratitude for the present moment, we open ourselves to receiving and acknowledging the grace that surrounds us. Gratitude allows us to shift our focus from what may be lacking to what is already abundant in our lives. Be fully immersing ourselves in the present moment, we can tap into a deep sense of inner peace and calmness. This peace arises from accepting the present as it is, without resistance or judgment. Let go of attachments. Attachments to the past or expectations for the future can limit our ability to fully embrace the present. By releasing attachments, we free ourselves from the burdens of the past and the anxieties of the future, allowing us to experience the freedom and expansiveness of the present moment.


Freedom to choose as grace guides your footsteps along the path before you. We have the power to choose our thoughts, beliefs, actions, and responses to the circumstances we encounter. This freedom allows us to shape our lives and create our own unique path. Embrace this freedom, we take ownership of our lives and empower ourselves to create the reality we desire. Grace can be seen as a divine or universal force that supports and uplifts us. It is the subtle guidance and blessings that come our way, often beyond our own efforts. By trusting in grace, we surrender to a higher power and allow it to lead us towards our highest good. This trust enables us to let go of control and open ourselves to the flow of life


Can you not breathe as deeply, loudly, or as softly as you desire? Can you not focus your energy in whichever way pleases you? Can you not choose to love or hate? Explore our desires, preferences, and emotions. Have self-awareness, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our needs. This self-awareness allows us to make conscious choices that align with our authentic selves, promoting personal growth and fulfillment. Emotions are a natural part of being human. By embracing the complexity of our emotions, we can navigate them with awareness and choose responses that promote growth, healing, and positive relationships


How then can you say, feel or think you do not have freedom to choose? Our perception can be shaped by various factors such as societal norms, conditioning, and personal experiences. Recognize that our perception is not fixed and can be expanded, we open ourselves to the possibility of embracing our freedom to choose. Self-awareness allows us to observe our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without judgment. By developing this awareness, we can identify patterns, habits, and conditioning that may limit our freedom to choose. This awareness empowers us to make conscious choices aligned with our values, aspirations, and authentic selves. Choice is an inherent aspect of our human experience. From the simplest decisions to the most complex ones, we are constantly making choices that shape our lives. By acknowledging this, we realize that we have the power to make choices in every aspect of our lives, whether it’s our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, or the paths we take.


If you believe there is no freedom, so be it, it shall be your truth. Our beliefs act as filters through which we interpret and make sense of the world. They shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions, ultimately influencing the outcomes we experience. Be attentive with the power of belief, we become aware of the role it plays in shaping our reality. Our beliefs become our truth. It implies that we have the power to shape our reality through our beliefs. If we believe there is no freedom, we may perceive and experience a reality that aligns with that belief. This understanding empowers us to examine our beliefs and consciously choose those that support our growth, well-being, and the realization of our potential. Challenge any limiting beliefs that may hinder our growth, happiness, or fulfillment. By consciously choosing beliefs that support our freedom, potential, and well-being, we can expand our perception of what is possible and create a reality that aligns with our highest aspirations.


If you believe there is freedom to choose, to be, to do, to manifest all your heart’s desires, so be it, it shall be your truth. We have the power to make choices that align with our values, aspirations, and authentic selves. By recognizing and embracing this freedom, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and take ownership of our lives. Believe in our freedom to be, do, and manifest our heart’s desires, we tap into our unlimited potential. It encourages us to explore our passions, talents, and dreams, and to take inspired action towards their realization. By acknowledging our inherent power, we unlock the ability to create a life that reflects our truest selves.


All is granted to you in the moment of asking. Asking is an essential step in the manifestation process, the statement reminds us that action is also necessary. It implies that by asking, we set the intention, but it is through inspired action that we bring our desires into fruition. Taking aligned and purposeful action towards our goals helps to bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to be. Ask and it shall be granted. Know what we truly desire and asking for it, we activate the process of manifestation. Intention acts as a guiding force, directing our thoughts, emotions, and actions towards the realization of our desires.


Do you desire healing? Ask it and healing shall be given. Be gentle with ourselves and practice self-compassion as we navigate our healing journey. Healing may not always occur in the way or timeframe we expect, but by trusting in the process and being patient with ourselves, we create space for true and lasting healing to unfold. Seek the appropriate support and guidance that aligns with our specific needs and desires for healing. This may include seeking professional help, engaging in self-care practices, or connecting with a supportive community. Be actively seeking support, we enhance our healing journey and increase the likelihood of achieving the desired outcome.


Believe, for it is already so in the Realm of Spirit. Belief acts as a powerful force that influences our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Choose to believe in the fulfillment of our desires, we align ourselves with the energy and vibration of what we seek. Belief empowers us to overcome doubts and limitations, and it opens the door to infinite possibilities. This realm is believed to be a dimension beyond our physical reality, where the essence of our desires already exists. It is a realm of pure potentiality, where everything is already created in its energetic form. By acknowledging this realm, we tap into the unlimited possibilities and align ourselves with the energy of manifestation.


Ask for to health be restored, beginning with your inner core essence. Your physical health is deeply intertwined with our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. When one aspect is imbalanced or neglected, it can impact the others. Address all dimensions of our being, we create a harmonious environment for health and well-being to flourish. Unresolved emotions, stress, and negative thought patterns can manifest as physical symptoms or contribute to the development of illnesses. Acknowledge and process our emotions, practicing emotional intelligence, and seeking support when needed, we promote healing and restore balance


Ask for health to be restored in your cells, blood, heart, mind, Soul, in all your energy bodies.  Our soul represents our deepest essence, our connection to something greater than ourselves. These energy bodies, often referred to as the aura or subtle bodies, are believed to hold and transmit energy throughout our being. By asking for health to be restored in all our energy bodies, we seek to balance and harmonize our energetic system, promoting vitality and well-being. 


Be willing to accept gifts given to you. Be open to the opportunities for personal growth, learning, and connection that may present themselves. Accept these gifts, we can expand our horizons, deepen our relationships, and evolve as individuals. There is a greater plan at work, and the gifts we receive are part of that plan. By trusting in the unfolding of life, we can surrender control and embrace the gifts that come our way with faith and gratitude.


For in truth there is only love, health, abundance, light, faith, joy, peace, wisdom, discernment, harmony and serenity.  Love is the most powerful and transformative force in the universe. It is the essence of our true nature and the source of all creation. Love encompasses compassion, kindness, empathy, and connection.  Health represents a state of well-being and vitality in all aspects of our being. It encompasses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Abundance refers to the limitless flow of resources, opportunities, and blessings that are available to us. It encompasses not only material wealth but also love, joy, relationships, and personal growth. These fundamental aspects of truth and the positive qualities that exist at the core of our being. By embracing and embodying these qualities, we align ourselves with our true nature and experience a deeper sense of fulfillment, purpose, and connection with the world around us.


All else is physical realm perception. How shall you choose this day? We can consciously choose how we want to perceive and respond to situations. Mindfulness allows us to break free from automatic patterns and make intentional choices that align with our values and aspirations. There is more to our experiences than what meets the eye in the physical realm. Our thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives influence how we interpret and interact with the world around us. By recognizing the influence of our perception, we can choose to shift our perspective and create a different experience of reality.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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