
Angel Message Of The Day: Freedom of Expression

Angel of Creativity 


Know there is nothing you need to do, to be, or to have that would then complete you, for you are whole, complete, and perfect now this moment and all moments before you. How do you choose to see you? Do you choose to see that which has yet to be made manifest in physical form? It can be challenging to shift our perspective and see ourselves in this light, especially when society often emphasizes external achievements and material possessions. But encourage yourself to be gentle with yourself and practice self-compassion. Remind yourself that your worthiness is not dependent on external factors or accomplishments. Instead of focusing on what has not yet manifested in physical form, try to appreciate the qualities, strengths, and experiences that already exist within you. Embrace your unique journey and the growth you have already achieved. Remember that your worthiness and completeness are not determined by external validation, but by your own self-acceptance and self-love. You have the power to choose how you see yourself. Choose a perspective that acknowledges your inherent wholeness and perfection, recognizing that you are enough exactly as you are.


Do you choose to express yourself with loving compassion? Expressing yourself with loving compassion means treating yourself and others with gentleness, patience, and understanding. It involves acknowledging the inherent worth and value of every individual, including yourself. When you choose to express yourself in this way, you create an environment of acceptance, support, and connection. By practicing loving compassion, you cultivate a deeper sense of empathy and foster harmonious relationships. You become more attuned to the needs and feelings of others, and you respond with empathy and kindness. This approach not only benefits those around you but also nourishes your own well-being and inner peace.

Do you choose to create your heart’s desires? Choosing to create your heart’s desires involves aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with what brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. It means acknowledging your deepest desires and dreams, and then taking the necessary steps to bring them into fruition. Creating your heart’s desires requires a combination of clarity, intention, and action. It starts with gaining a clear understanding of what truly resonates with your soul, what ignites your passion, and what brings you a deep sense of happiness. This self-awareness allows you to identify your heart’s desires and set meaningful goals.


How do you choose to create your heart’s desires? Take the time to connect with yourself on a deeper level. Reflect on what truly brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Explore your passions, values, and dreams. This self-awareness will help you identify your heart’s desires and set meaningful goals. Use the power of visualization to imagine yourself already living your heart’s desires. Create a vivid mental picture of what it looks, feels, and sounds like to have your desires manifested. Visualize yourself experiencing the emotions and sensations associated with achieving your dreams. Cultivate a mindset of belief and possibility. Believe in your own abilities and trust that you have the power to create your heart’s desires. Release any limiting beliefs or self-doubt that may hinder your progress. Replace them with positive affirmations and a strong belief in your own potential.  Along the way, practice gratitude for the progress you make and the lessons you learn. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. This positive mindset will help you stay motivated and appreciate the journey towards manifesting your heart’s desires.


Light a candle; or perhaps write your heart’s desires upon paper, the telling of a different, positive, loving and abundant story.  Lighting a candle can create a sacred and focused space for you to connect with your desires. As you light the candle, you can set an intention to bring forth what you truly desire in your life. The flame represents the energy and passion behind your desires. It serves as a reminder of the light within you and the potential for your dreams to come to fruition. Take a moment to visualize your heart’s desires as you watch the flame dance and flicker. Allow the candle’s gentle glow to inspire and guide you towards manifesting your dreams. Writing down your heart’s desires can be a transformative act of self-expression and manifestation. Take a pen and a piece of paper, and write down in detail what you truly desire. Be specific and vivid in your descriptions. Write as if you are already experiencing your desires in the present moment. This process helps you clarify your intentions and sends a clear message to the universe about what you want to attract into your life. As you write, infuse your words with positivity, love, and abundance. Focus on the feelings and emotions associated with having your desires fulfilled. By putting your desires into words, you are creating a tangible representation of your dreams and affirming your commitment to manifesting them.


Bring life to that which you desire most and perhaps a love relationship, financial freedom. The freedom from that which has come before, a new job or career.  If you desire a fulfilling and loving relationship, it starts with cultivating self-love and self-worth. Focus on healing any past wounds or limiting beliefs that may be blocking you from attracting a healthy partnership. Visualize the qualities and characteristics you desire in a partner and embody those qualities yourself. Practice self-care, set healthy boundaries, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. By aligning your energy with love and openness, you create the space for a loving relationship to enter your life. To manifest financial freedom, it is important to shift your mindset around money. Cultivate an abundance mindset and believe that you are deserving of financial prosperity. Set clear financial goals and create a plan to achieve them. Take inspired action towards increasing your income, managing your finances wisely, and exploring opportunities for growth and wealth creation. Practice gratitude for the financial resources you currently have and visualize yourself living a life of financial abundance. By aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with abundance, you can attract the financial freedom you desire. If you seek freedom from past traumas, negative experiences, or limiting beliefs, it is essential to engage in healing and self-reflection. Acknowledge and process any unresolved emotions or traumas. Seek support from therapists, coaches, or healing modalities that resonate with you. Practice forgiveness, both towards others and yourself. Release any attachments to the past and focus on the present moment. Embrace self-compassion and cultivate a positive mindset that empowers you to create a new narrative for your life.

It matters not what you choose to create for yourself.  Comparing our desires or choices to others is unnecessary and unproductive. Each person’s journey is unique, and what brings joy and fulfillment to one person may not be the same for another. Embracing this mindset allows you to focus on your own growth and happiness, rather than seeking validation or approval from others. Choose to create for yourself, you are empowered to follow your own path and make decisions that resonate with your authentic self. You are free to explore different possibilities, experiment with various paths, and adapt your choices as you grow and evolve.


In the choosing there is freedom, freedom of expression, freedom to create all your heart’s desires. Making choices allows you to express your unique personality, values, and desires. It is through your choices that you can authentically communicate who you are and what you stand for. Whether it’s in the way you dress, the hobbies you pursue, or the career path you choose, each decision becomes an opportunity to express yourself and showcase your individuality. By embracing this freedom of expression, you invite others to see and appreciate your true essence. This aligns you with the power to pursue and manifest your heart’s desires. It is through conscious decision-making that you set intentions and take action towards what truly matters to you. Whether it’s finding love, achieving financial abundance, experiencing personal growth, or living a purposeful life, your choices become the catalysts for bringing these desires into reality. By embracing this freedom, you release any limitations or external expectations and allow yourself to wholeheartedly pursue what brings you joy and fulfillment.


For in the choosing, your Spirit soars above Earthly limitations of time and space. The act of choosing empowers you to embrace your limitless potential. It reminds you that you are not confined by the limitations imposed by society, circumstances, or external expectations. Through your choices, you can tap into the vast reservoir of creativity, possibility, and personal power that resides within you. By consciously making choices that align with your deepest desires and values, you unleash your Spirit’s ability to soar above the Earthly limitations and create a life that is truly fulfilling and expansive. When you make choices aligned with your true essence and higher purpose, you connect with the infinite. Your Spirit, or higher self, is intimately connected to the universal consciousness, the divine, or whatever higher power you resonate with. By making choices that resonate with your authentic self, you align with the wisdom and guidance of your higher self. This connection allows you to access a higher perspective, intuitive insights, and a sense of purpose that transcends the limitations of the physical world


Give thanks for all that has come before this moment for it has brought you to where you are. Giving thanks for all that has come before invites you to reflect on the path you have walked. It prompts you to acknowledge the milestones, challenges, and achievements that have marked your journey. By taking the time to reflect, you gain a deeper understanding of the choices you have made, the lessons you have learned, and the progress you have made along the way. This reflection allows you to appreciate the significance of each step and the impact it has had on your personal growth. Every experience, whether positive or negative, has contributed to your personal growth and development. By expressing gratitude for all that has come before, you recognize the valuable lessons learned and the strength gained from overcoming challenges. Each experience has shaped your character, resilience, and wisdom. Gratitude allows you to honor the growth that has occurred and appreciate the transformative power of your past experiences.. 


Give thanks for the many blessings about you. Expressing gratitude for the many blessings about you also acknowledges the support system that surrounds you. It reminds you of the people who love, care for, and support you in various ways. This includes family, friends, mentors, colleagues, and even strangers who have made a positive impact on your life. By recognizing and giving thanks for these relationships, you deepen your connection with others and foster a sense of community and belonging.

Have faith all is in Divine Order this moment, occurring in Divine Time. Having faith in Divine Order encourages you to let go of attachment to specific outcomes or expectations. It reminds you that there is a higher wisdom at play, and sometimes what you desire may not align with what is ultimately best for you. By releasing attachment, you open yourself up to new possibilities and allow the universe to guide you towards what is truly meant for you. Embracing the belief that all is in Divine Order brings a sense of inner peace and tranquility. It allows you to surrender to the flow of life, trusting that everything is happening for a reason. This perspective helps you navigate challenges with grace and resilience, knowing that there is a greater purpose behind every experience. By cultivating inner peace, you create a harmonious state of being that positively impacts your overall well-being.


In the realm of Spirit all is made manifest before you in love and light. Recognizing that all is made manifest before you in the realm of Spirit invites you to actively participate in the co-creation process. It reminds you that you have the power to align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with the spiritual realm to manifest your desires. By consciously engaging with the spiritual realm, you become an active participant in shaping your reality, bringing forth experiences that are in alignment with your highest good. Connect with the spiritual realm, you gain access to insights, intuition, and divine guidance that can support you in manifesting your desires and living a more purposeful and fulfilling life.


How shall you choose to express yourself this day? Consider whether your actions and words align with your values, beliefs, and desires. Consciously choosing how you express yourself, you can ensure that your intentions are positive, compassionate, and aligned with your highest good. How you are currently expressing yourself and whether it aligns with your authentic self. By cultivating self-awareness, you gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, allowing you to make conscious choices about how you express yourself in a way that is true to who you are.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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