
Angel Message Of The Day : Gift Your Self

Archangel Raguel 


Gift yourself with harmony and balance on this day. It is time to treat yourself well with harmony and balance. You may not notice however you have been overworked with your life. You may have been working hard, taking care of others, and giving up on yourself. This is the time when you need to take a break and indulge in some self-care. Self-care is an important part of your life that you often forget about or neglect. It is not selfish to take care of yourself; it shows that you value yourself enough that you want to make sure you are healthy, happy, and productive in all areas of your life.

Gift yourself knowing all is well. No matter how difficult things may seem right now, know that there is a reason why this happened to you and everything is happening for a reason whether good or bad. Even if you go through hardships in life, there will always be a silver lining in it. Gift yourself with being more grateful for what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t have. As every day is another chance to start over and make things better. All is well there will always be something new to learn about yourself as an individual and about life itself too.


Gift yourself with belief, faith, and trust that all is truly well with you this day. You are a wonderful person who deserves all the best in life. You are gifted with life. You are gifted with the opportunity to be you. You were born into this world with a purpose, and the ability to fulfill that purpose. Your life is exactly as it should be, so don’t waste another minute worrying about what others think or whether you’re doing things right. Permit yourself to be who you are. Gift yourself with love, friendship, and support from those around you. Be kind to yourself and treat yourself well on your journey through life. The more love you give yourself, the more love will come back your way.

Know you are loved beyond measure. You are so loved. You are so worthy of love. You are so beautiful and perfect the way you are. You have been through the darkest times of your life, and now it’s time for the light to shine on you. You are doing everything right, in your own time, at your own pace. Your journey has been difficult and painful at times, but this was necessary for your growth. It is never about getting through it as fast as possible, but rather learning from each experience that comes into your life. It’s time to stop beating yourself up over every mistake or failure. you simply learned something new along the way.


Know your prayers are answered in the moment of the asking. Praying is done with the heart. You speak from your heart but do not wait for an answer as in asking. Instead, you speak from your heart out loud or silently and then trust that the Divine One will hear what was said and will act accordingly. You are the one who speaks, and the Divine One is the one who listens. As when you speak, the Divine one listens. The gift is your prayers answered in the moment of the asking.  For your prayers to be heard, they must first be answered in the moment of asking. You are the one who speaks, and the Divine One is the one who listens. As when you speak, the Divine one listens.


Know you are guided in the moment of your seeking. You are guided by the whisperings of your soul. You are guided by your intuition and the inner knowing that resides within you. The world is changing at a rapid pace. It’s becoming harder to find your way through the chaos and confusion that surrounds you. In this time of great change, it is easy to become overwhelmed and feel lost, but there is one thing that never changes: you. And because you never change, you can always rely on yourself for guidance; for clarity; for knowing what’s right for you; and for finding your path through life.


Know all is in Divine Order. When you suffer a loss or hardship, it’s easy to get stuck in a place of sadness and anger. It’s easy to blame yourself or others for what happened. But this doesn’t serve anyone. This means that there is a reason behind everything that happens in your life and everything that happens to you. Take time to reflect on what has happened in the past and why it happened. Accept The Situation And Let Go Of Your Anger. This will help you accept it and move on from it, instead of dwelling on it and living in its shadow

Know all is as it should be. If you’re feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, it’s easy to blame yourself for being a bad person who’s somehow failing at life. However, this isn’t true at all! You live in an amazing world full of opportunities to learn, grow, and thrive and you have unique gifts that make you who you are. It’s okay if things aren’t exactly how you’d like them to be right now; they will be in time. Know that everything is unfolding exactly as it should be because that’s how miracles happen. When you’re giving yourself love by believing that everything is as it should be, you’ll feel less stressed out.


Know all is being made manifest before you, for it is already so in the Realm of Spirit. Travel the path before you this day in harmony. All is being made manifest before you, for it is already so in the Realm of Spirit. Do not be afraid of what you want, for it has already been given to you by Spirit. All is being made manifest before you, for it is already so in the Realm of Spirit. Travel the path before you this day in harmony with all that surrounds you, and know all is being made manifest before you, for it is already so in the Realm of Spirit.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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