
Angel Message Of The Day: Integrity of Spirit



Honor yourself. Honor guidance received. To honor yourself is to recognize and value your own worth, needs, and boundaries. It involves treating yourself with kindness, compassion, and respect. It means acknowledging your strengths, talents, and unique qualities, and embracing them fully. Honoring yourself also means prioritizing self-care and making choices that support your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is about setting healthy boundaries, saying no when necessary, and surrounding yourself with people and environments that uplift and inspire you. When you honor yourself, you cultivate a deep sense of self-worth and self-love. You recognize that you are deserving of happiness, fulfillment, and success. By honoring yourself, you create a solid foundation from which to navigate life’s challenges and pursue your dreams and aspirations. It is a powerful act of self-empowerment and self-acceptance. In addition to honoring yourself, it is equally important to honor the guidance you receive. Guidance can come in many forms – through intuition, signs, synchronicities, or the wisdom of others. It is the gentle nudges and whispers from the universe, guiding you towards your highest good and the fulfillment of your purpose.


Honor your heart’s desires. When you honor your heart’s desires, you are acknowledging the unique gifts and talents that you possess. You recognize that these desires are not random or insignificant, but rather they are the roadmap to your truest self and the life you are meant to live. By honoring your heart’s desires, you are honoring your own essence and embracing the fullness of who you are. Honoring your heart’s desires also involves trusting your intuition and inner guidance. It means tuning in to the whispers of your heart and allowing them to guide your choices and actions. Your heart is a powerful compass that can lead you towards experiences, relationships, and opportunities that align with your deepest desires. By honoring your heart’s desires, you are opening yourself up to a life that is filled with joy, fulfillment, and purpose. Sometimes, honoring your heart’s desires may require stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking risks. It may involve letting go of limiting beliefs or societal expectations that hold you back from pursuing what truly lights you up. It takes courage to follow your heart’s desires, but the rewards are immeasurable. When you honor your heart’s desires, you create a life that is authentic and aligned with your truest self, and you inspire others to do the same.

Honor choices, paths chosen by others. Each person’s journey is unique, shaped by their experiences, beliefs, and desires. Honoring the choices and paths chosen by others means recognizing and respecting their autonomy and the right to make decisions that align with their own values and aspirations. It is about acknowledging that what may be right for one person may not be the same for another, and that everyone has the freedom to follow their own path. When we honor the choices and paths chosen by others, we cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion. We recognize that each person has their own set of circumstances, challenges, and dreams, and that their choices are influenced by a multitude of factors that we may not fully understand. By honoring their choices, we create a space for understanding and connection, fostering a sense of unity and harmony. Honor in this context also means refraining from judgment or criticism. It is about embracing the diversity of human experiences and perspectives, and celebrating the richness that comes from different choices and paths. Instead of imposing our own beliefs or expectations onto others, we choose to honor their autonomy and allow them the freedom to explore and navigate their own journey.


It is not the will of Divine Source that you shall direct another. When we understand and embrace this truth, we recognize that it is not our place to direct or control the lives of others. We are not meant to dictate their choices, beliefs, or paths. Instead, we are called to honor and respect their autonomy, allowing them the space to explore, learn, and grow in their own unique way. By acknowledging that it is not our role to direct another, we cultivate a sense of humility and surrender. We let go of the need to control or manipulate others, and instead focus on our own personal growth and spiritual journey. We understand that each person is responsible for their own choices and actions, and that they have the capacity to learn and evolve through their own experiences. This understanding also fosters compassion and empathy towards others. When we recognize that each person is on their own path, facing their own challenges and lessons, we can approach them with a sense of understanding and non-judgment. We can offer support and guidance when requested, but we do so with respect for their autonomy and the knowledge that they ultimately have the power to make their own decisions.

Direct instead yourself towards the light. When we direct ourselves towards the light, we are consciously choosing to align our thoughts, intentions, and actions with higher vibrations of love, compassion, and truth. We seek to embody qualities such as kindness, forgiveness, and gratitude, allowing these qualities to guide our interactions with others and our choices in life. Directing ourselves towards the light also involves cultivating a sense of awareness and mindfulness. We become attuned to the present moment, observing our thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. Through practices such as meditation, reflection, and self-inquiry, we create space for inner stillness and clarity, allowing the light of our true nature to shine through. The light represents the divine essence within each of us, our inner spark of divinity that is connected to the universal consciousness. By directing ourselves towards the light, we acknowledge and nurture this divine spark, allowing it to guide us towards a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment. In directing ourselves towards the light, we also open ourselves up to receiving divine guidance and wisdom. We become receptive to the subtle whispers of intuition and inner knowing, trusting in the guidance of the higher power that is always available to us. We surrender the need for control and instead allow ourselves to be guided by the divine flow of life.


Honor your thoughts, emotions. Honor your emotions. Emotions are the powerful energy that flows through us, informing us of our inner experiences and guiding our responses to the world around us. Honoring our emotions means acknowledging their presence, allowing ourselves to feel them fully, and accepting them without judgment or suppression. When we honor our emotions, we create a space for emotional healing and growth. We recognize that emotions are a natural part of the human experience and that they carry valuable information about our needs, desires, and boundaries. By honoring our emotions, we can cultivate emotional intelligence, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and build resilience in the face of challenges. Honor your thoughts and emotions together. Honoring our thoughts and emotions together means recognizing the interconnectedness of our inner experiences. It involves understanding that our thoughts can influence our emotions, and our emotions can shape our thoughts. By honoring both, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and develop a more holistic approach to self-care and self-expression.


Honor your actions and think before you act. Think before you act. Thinking before we act is a practice of mindfulness and conscious decision-making. It involves pausing, reflecting, and considering the potential consequences of our actions before we take them. By taking the time to think before we act, we can avoid impulsive or reactive behavior and make choices that are thoughtful, intentional, and aligned with our values. When we think before we act, we cultivate self-awareness and emotional intelligence. We become attuned to our thoughts, emotions, and intentions, and we can assess whether our actions are driven by fear, anger, or ego, or whether they are rooted in love, compassion, and wisdom. By thinking before we act, we can make choices that are more aligned with our higher selves and contribute to our personal growth and the well-being of others. Thinking before we act also allows us to consider the perspectives and needs of others. It encourages empathy and compassion, as we take into account how our actions may impact those around us. By thinking before we act, we can make choices that promote understanding, respect, and harmony in our relationships and communities.


Your thoughts, your actions affect all who come into contact with you.  This is not to say you must be ever watchful over all words, thoughts, emotions, We are asking you to be aware of your inner desires. Our thoughts and actions are not isolated occurrences; they have the power to influence and shape the experiences of those we interact with. Every thought we entertain and every action we take carries energy that can be felt by others, consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the impact we have on those around us and to approach our thoughts and actions with mindfulness and consideration. However, it is not about being in a constant state of vigilance or trying to control every word, thought, or emotion that arises within us. Instead, it is about cultivating awareness of our inner desires and motivations. By becoming conscious of our inner landscape, we can gain insight into the underlying intentions behind our thoughts and actions. Awareness of our inner desires allows us to align them with our values and the well-being of others. It prompts us to reflect on whether our desires are driven by ego, fear, or self-interest, or whether they are rooted in love, compassion, and a genuine desire for the highest good of all. By being aware of our inner desires, we can make conscious choices that are in alignment with our authentic selves and that have a positive impact on those around us. We can choose thoughts and actions that promote understanding, kindness, and empathy, fostering harmonious relationships and contributing to the collective well-being.

Is what you are doing, saying, thinking, feeling resonating with your Inner-Self? When our actions, words, thoughts, and emotions resonate with our Inner-Self, we feel a deep sense of alignment and fulfillment. We are living in accordance with our true nature, and this brings a sense of authenticity and joy to our lives. We feel a sense of purpose and meaning, as our actions are in harmony with our deepest desires and values. On the other hand, when our choices and experiences do not resonate with our Inner-Self, we may feel a sense of disconnection, unease, or dissatisfaction. It may be an indication that we are not living in alignment with our true essence, and that we are not honoring our authentic needs and desires. By regularly checking in with ourselves and evaluating whether our thoughts, actions, words, and emotions are resonating with our Inner-Self, we can make conscious choices that bring us closer to a life of authenticity and fulfillment. We can adjust our course, make necessary changes, and align ourselves with our true essence.


Are you in integrity with you? Living in integrity with ourselves requires self-awareness and self-reflection. It involves taking the time to understand our values, beliefs, and what truly matters to us. It requires us to examine our thoughts, actions, and choices and evaluate whether they align with our inner truth. When we are in integrity with ourselves, we experience a sense of inner peace, fulfillment, and authenticity. We feel a deep sense of congruence between who we are on the inside and how we show up in the world. We are not swayed by external pressures or expectations, but rather guided by our own inner compass. Being in integrity with ourselves also means being honest and transparent with ourselves. It means acknowledging our strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. It involves taking responsibility for our actions and choices, and making amends when we fall short of our own standards.


Are you knowingly stepping away from your true Self? Our true Self represents the core essence of who we are, beyond societal expectations, external influences, and the roles we play. It is the authentic, unfiltered expression of our unique being. When we are connected to our true Self, we experience a sense of wholeness, alignment, and inner peace. However, there may be times when we knowingly or unknowingly step away from our true Self. This can happen due to various reasons such as societal pressures, fear of judgment, or the desire to fit in. We may find ourselves conforming to external expectations, suppressing our true desires, or compromising our values in order to please others or maintain a certain image. When we knowingly step away from our true Self, we may experience a sense of disconnection, inner conflict, and dissatisfaction. We may feel like we are living a life that is not aligned with our authentic desires and purpose. This disconnection can manifest as feelings of emptiness, restlessness, or a lack of fulfillment. It is important to recognize when we are knowingly stepping away from our true Self and to explore the reasons behind it. It requires self-reflection, honesty, and a willingness to confront our fears and insecurities. By acknowledging and understanding the choices and behaviors that are leading us away from our true Self, we can begin to realign with our authentic essence.


As knowingly stepping away from your true Self, your inner core essence causes you harm, it causes others harm for you are not acting with integrity.  Resist temptation, stay in the light. Acting without integrity means that our thoughts, words, and actions are not in harmony with our inner truth. We may engage in behaviors that go against our values, betray our own principles, or disregard the well-being of others. This lack of integrity can have far-reaching consequences, both for ourselves and those around us. First and foremost, knowingly stepping away from our true Self causes harm to ourselves. It creates a sense of inner conflict, disconnection, and dissatisfaction. We may experience feelings of guilt, shame, or regret as we realize that we are not living in alignment with our authentic desires and purpose. This internal disharmony can manifest as stress, anxiety, or a general sense of unhappiness. Furthermore, when we act without integrity, it can have a negative impact on the people around us. Our actions may cause disappointment, hurt, or betrayal to those who trust and rely on us. Relationships may suffer, trust may be broken, and the overall well-being of others can be compromised. Our lack of integrity can also contribute to a culture of dishonesty, mistrust, and negativity in our personal and professional interactions.

Ask my brethren and me to wrap you in the light and love of Divine Source.  Become a guardian for yourself. To be wrapped in the light and love of Divine Source is to be enveloped in a higher vibrational energy that is pure, healing, and transformative. It is a state of being where we are infused with the unconditional love, wisdom, and guidance of the Divine. This divine light and love can bring comfort, healing, and a sense of deep connection to something greater than ourselves. Becoming a guardian for oneself means taking responsibility for one’s own well-being, growth, and spiritual journey. It is about recognizing our own power and ability to navigate life’s challenges, make conscious choices, and align with our true Self. It involves cultivating self-awareness, self-love, and self-empowerment. As a guardian for oneself, we become active participants in our own spiritual evolution. We take ownership of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, and consciously choose to align them with our highest good and the greater good of all. We develop a deep sense of discernment, intuition, and inner strength that guides us on our path.


Become a beacon, stepping out of the shadows into the light. To become a beacon means to embody a source of light, guidance, and inspiration. It is about shining brightly and radiating our unique gifts, talents, and wisdom. Just as a lighthouse guides ships safely to shore, we have the potential to illuminate the path for ourselves and others, offering clarity, hope, and direction. Stepping out of the shadows implies moving away from a state of hiding, playing small, or living in fear. It means embracing our true selves, acknowledging our worth, and stepping into the fullness of who we are. It involves releasing self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and the need for external validation, and instead embracing our authentic power and potential. Stepping into the light represents a conscious choice to live in alignment with our highest values, purpose, and truth. It is about embracing our inner light, which is the essence of our being, and allowing it to shine brightly. When we step into the light, we radiate positivity, love, and authenticity, and we inspire others to do the same.


Resonate with yourself and all that you are; all shall fall into place as it is to be. To resonate with oneself means to deeply connect with our inner being, our core essence. It involves embracing our true nature, acknowledging our strengths, weaknesses, desires, and passions. When we resonate with ourselves, we are in tune with our authentic self, and we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our inner truth.Resonating with ourselves also means being in harmony with the world around us. It involves recognizing our interconnectedness with all beings and the universe. When we resonate with the world, we cultivate a sense of empathy, compassion, and understanding for others. We recognize that we are part of a larger whole and that our actions and choices have an impact on the collective. all that we are is a powerful invitation to connect with our true essence and find harmony within ourselves and the world. It involves embracing our authentic self, aligning with our values and passions, and recognizing our interconnectedness with others. By resonating with ourselves, we tap into our inner wisdom and guidance, and we trust in the natural flow of life. When we are in resonance, we attract experiences and opportunities that align with our highest good, and we find fulfillment and purpose in our journey.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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