
Angel Message Of The Day : Know Your Self

Archangel Raziel 


Dear Beloved child of Divine Source, know your beauty. You must acknowledge the beauty that you exhibit inside and out. It is very important that you give time to appreciate all of the good things you have, and you must admire all of what makes you — you. Know your soul. You must acknowledge how beautiful your soul is. It is very important that you give the time to appreciate your inner self. It is imperative that you connect deep within yourself, so you can know yourself better. Know Divine Source; my brethren and I are by your side. You must acknowledge that you are a dear beloved child of the Divine Source. It is much important that you give time to appreciate how you are made by the liking of the Divine Source. You must always focus on the light and love given freely by the Divine Source.  


There is no desire for too great or too small. All of what you asked for is never just too great or too small. Whatever you may desire has value, and you should focus on reaching your goals. There is nothing beyond your grasp. What is it you choose? Even if it may seem unattainable at the beginning, you must trust that you will acquire whatever you desire in the world. Do not let the judgment of others discourage you from achieving what you desire the most. Instead, prioritize and focus on what truly matters to you. How do you choose to travel the path along the journey before you? You must focus on what you truly desire the most in this world. Know yourself better so that you can truly figure out what it is that you have been seeking. Then, travel the path that you wish to take without any hesitation or struggle. Let the love and light guide you to the path that you have chosen.  

Know you are a Beloved Child of the Universe. See beyond the physical realm into that of Spirit. Can you not see the Light of Divine Source dwell within you? Whatever you speak to the Universe, you will get it soon enough. You have always been a Beloved Child of the Universe, and you will always have the power to speak of what you truly desire the most in this world. Connect with your soul, and truly seek within you what you truly want the most. At the same time, you will feel and see how the light has always been within you. You have always been guided to the right path, and you have the ultimate power to continue your destination on whatever journey you may decide on.  


As you step into the darkness, hold the lantern before you. See the Light shine forth into every place and into everything. How, then, can there be darkness or shadow when there is only Light? Call upon Archangel Raziel, and all shall be revealed to you. There may be times when you feel like you are lost in your way. However, that is not the case after all. There is always a flicker of light and love within your soul. You have always carried the light inside of you. Let the light guide you to your destination, and let it reveal the path that you have always wanted to take.  

What do you wish to manifest within you that then manifests around you in physical form? What do you wish to manifest in the outer, physical realm? It is with manifesting that you will obtain the ultimate power of gaining what you truly seek in this world. Truly reflect on the things that you wish to get and what path you will choose for yourself. You know yourself better than anyone else, and you have been given a choice on which destination you wish to pursue. Focus on the light and love that surrounds you. After reflecting on how much you know yourself, you should focus on what your inner voice says. You always had the power to make the choice that would lead you to the best path for yourself. It is inevitable that you will manifest whatever you desire. Hence, you must choose wisely, for all you request is made manifest at your choosing.

Amanda Cooper

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