
Angel Message Of The Day: Listen to Your Inner Voice

Archangel Uriel 


Listen to your Inner-Voice.  Trusting your inner voice often requires building self-confidence. The more you listen and act on your intuition, the stronger your trust in it will become. The inner voice is deeply connected to our subconscious mind, drawing from our experiences, values, and beliefs. It can provide valuable information that may not be immediately apparent in our conscious thoughts. Our inner voice can serve as a compass, guiding us in making choices that align with our true selves. By tuning in, we can navigate life’s challenges with greater confidence and clarity. When we listen to our inner voice, we honor our authentic selves. This alignment fosters a sense of fulfillment and allows us to express our true nature in our actions and relationships. Writing down thoughts and feelings can facilitate a deeper connection to the inner voice. Journaling allows for reflection and can reveal patterns or insights that may otherwise go unnoticed.


All you crave is within you now. Listen to the still small voice within. Once you hear the still small voice, it takes courage to act on its guidance. This may involve making changes in your life, pursuing new paths, or letting go of what no longer serves you. The journey inward may involve confronting fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs. Acknowledging these feelings is a vital step toward understanding and embracing your true self.  As you listen to your inner voice and honor your cravings, you align more closely with your true self. This alignment fosters a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. When you recognize that fulfillment comes from within, you can cultivate a life rich in joy, love, and connection. This abundance radiates outward, positively impacting your relationships and the world around you.


Be willing to hear, to see with love in your heart. Gratitude can enhance our capacity to love. By recognizing and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives and the people around us, we foster a loving mindset that influences how we interact with others. When we see with love, we recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. This perspective encourages us to appreciate the beauty in others, even amidst their flaws and challenges. Being willing means being open to new experiences, perspectives, and emotions. It involves setting aside preconceived notions and judgments to fully engage with what is being presented. Seeing with love means considering the context of others’ experiences. Understanding their backgrounds, struggles, and motivations can deepen our compassion and reduce judgment.

Words become action.  Your actions or non-action become your trademark in the physical realm. Words often reflect our intentions and commitments. When we articulate our thoughts, we set the stage for potential actions. Words can inspire, motivate, and clarify our goals, serving as the first step toward manifestation.  The words we choose can shape our reality. Positive affirmations and declarations can empower us, while negative self-talk can limit our potential. Understanding this power encourages us to choose our words wisely. Often, individuals may feel stuck in a cycle of inaction despite having clear intentions. Recognizing this inertia is the first step in breaking free and taking action toward our goals. Every action we take has the potential to create an impact, both on ourselves and on those around us. Our actions can inspire, uplift, and influence others, contributing to a collective experience.


In the Realm of Spirit all is made whole, all is forgiven, all is healed, all is made manifest before you. Manifestation in the spiritual realm involves co-creating with the universe. It invites us to align our intentions with the greater flow of life, trusting that what we seek is already on its way to us. When our intentions align with our higher purpose, we tap into a deeper sense of fulfillment and meaning. This alignment enhances our ability to manifest our desires in harmony with the greater good. As we delve into the spiritual realm, we awaken to our true nature an essence that is whole, loving, and interconnected with all beings. This awakening fosters a sense of peace and belonging. The journey through the Realm of Spirit is ongoing. It invites us to embrace the lessons, challenges, and joys that come our way, recognizing that each experience contributes to our growth and evolution.


Listen with your heart. Listen with your Soul. To listen deeply, we must be fully engaged in the conversation. This means putting away our devices, making eye contact, and showing genuine interest in what the other person is saying. When people feel truly heard, it fosters trust and safety in relationships. This trust allows for more open and honest communication, deepening connections. In moments of conflict, listening with heart and soul can help de-escalate tensions. By seeking to understand the emotions and perspectives of others, we can find common ground and work toward resolution. When we embody deep listening in our lives, we contribute to a culture that values empathy, understanding, and connection. This culture can have a positive impact on our families, workplaces, and communities.


Listen, open your eyes seeing, and watching all around you.  To see mindfully is to engage fully with what is before us. This practice encourages us to slow down, take a breath, and immerse ourselves in the present moment, allowing us to appreciate the richness of our experiences. As we observe, we begin to notice patterns and connections in our surroundings. This awareness can lead to greater understanding and insight, both in our personal lives and in the broader context of the world. When we listen and observe simultaneously, we create a holistic awareness of our environment. This integrated approach allows us to grasp the nuances of interactions and the complexities of situations. By combining listening with keen observation, we become more effective communicators. We can respond more thoughtfully, tailoring our words and actions to the needs and emotions of those around us.

Are you willing to travel the path before you with an open heart, an open mind? Are you willing, truly willing to be where your path leads you? As we travel our path, it’s important to celebrate small victories and milestones. Acknowledging our progress fosters motivation and reinforces our commitment to the journey. Each step along our journey offers opportunities for personal growth. We learn more about ourselves, our values, and our aspirations, shaping us into more authentic individuals. Setting intentions for our journey can guide us in staying aligned with our values and aspirations. Intentions act as a compass, helping us navigate the twists and turns of life. Instead of fearing the unknown, we can choose to approach it with curiosity. This shift in perspective opens up new possibilities and encourages us to step outside our comfort zones.


We do not say to you have no choice for all is pre-destined. Our choices are often influenced by cultural backgrounds, societal expectations, and the values instilled in us from a young age. Recognizing these influences can help us understand the broader context of our decisions. Life can be viewed as a journey where we navigate a path that includes both predetermined elements and choices. This duality encourages us to embrace both aspects, recognizing that they coexist in a dynamic relationship. Embracing uncertainty allows us to let go of the need for absolute control. It encourages us to approach life with curiosity and openness, ready to adapt to whatever comes our way. Each choice we make, whether perceived as good or bad, contributes to our growth. Reflecting on our experiences allows us to learn valuable lessons that shape our future decisions.


We ask if you are willing to choose a path filled with love, light, mercy, and compassion. Love is not just a feeling; it is an action. It involves kindness, support, and the willingness to be present for others. Choosing love means actively seeking ways to uplift and empower those around us.  A path filled with light encourages us to radiate positivity. By cultivating an optimistic outlook, we can inspire others and create an environment where hope and joy flourish. Mercy encourages us to empathize with others, recognizing their struggles and imperfections. By choosing mercy, we create a more compassionate world where everyone feels valued and understood. The journey along this path encourages personal growth. By embracing love, light, mercy, and compassion, we cultivate qualities that enhance our well-being and enrich our relationships. In a world filled with differing perspectives, conflicts may arise. Choosing mercy and compassion allows us to approach these conflicts with understanding and a willingness to find common ground.


Are you willing to accept a life filled with peace, joy, happiness, harmony? Happiness is not a constant state; it ebbs and flows. By cultivating resilience and adaptability, we can navigate life’s ups and downs while maintaining a sense of happiness. Just as we seek guidance, we can also offer support to others. By being present for those around us, we create a network of love and understanding that uplifts everyone involved. My brethren and I seek only to serve your wishes, wishes for your highest and best good, to guide you, to protect and love you without condition.  Unconditional love transcends judgment and expectation. It involves accepting others as they are and offering support without seeking anything in return. This kind of love fosters deep connections and nurtures a sense of belonging. Are we truly willing to accept a life filled with peace, joy, happiness, and harmony? Reflecting on our desires can help us identify areas for growth and alignment with our values.

Listen for we speak with you often. Every interaction offers an opportunity to learn. By listening to others, we gain new perspectives and insights that can enrich our own understanding of the world.  We can set intentions to be more attentive in our daily lives. This might involve dedicating time for quiet reflection, engaging in active listening during conversations, or being open to the signs and messages around us.  By tuning in to the messages we receive, we gain clarity about our paths and decisions. This insight can lead to more aligned choices and a greater sense of purpose. Listening fosters a sense of peace and harmony within ourselves and in our relationships. It allows us to navigate conflicts with understanding and compassion, creating a more harmonious environment.


Listen for we speak with love. When we communicate with love, we express compassion and empathy. This means understanding and validating the feelings of others, which deepens our connections and fosters mutual respect. To truly listen for love, we must first learn to love ourselves. This involves practicing self-compassion, acknowledging our worth, and treating ourselves with kindness. When we embody self-love, we become more receptive to the love expressed by others. Love has the power to heal wounds and transform lives. When we listen for messages delivered with love, we open ourselves to healing experiences that can lead to personal growth and transformation. Loving messages can inspire us to take action, pursue our dreams, and embrace our true selves. They remind us of our potential and encourage us to step into our power.


Listen. When we listen attentively, we build trust and strengthen our relationships. People feel valued and understood, which deepens our connections and fosters mutual respect. To truly listen, we must consciously set aside distractions, whether they be our phones, our thoughts, or external noise. This requires discipline and a commitment to being present.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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