
Angel Message Of The Day : Out of the Shadows

Archangel Ariel 


To be lion-hearted is to express, radiate, and project love in all things, in all ways. It is a challenge to be lion-hearted as you move through life, especially when there are so many obstacles in your way. Everyone in this realm is human, and you have been conditioned to think that you must be fearful of the future. You have been conditioned to think that you must focus on your own needs first and foremost. However, when you put others before yourself when you stand up for the rights of others with the same ferocity that you stand up for yourself; then you are truly lion-hearted.


Yes, we understand many would distract you from your path. If you are still in your darkness, know that it is never too late to find your way out.  Distractions are always there in the path of your journey as this is like a challenge for your growth. The more you fight against them and try to avoid them, the more difficult it becomes for your growth. There will be tons of distractions coming your way. If, at any point, you find yourself getting distracted by these things or people around you, it’s always important that you remember what it is that you want out of life and why it is so important that you achieve it.

Many delight in your struggles. Some try to make you feel alone, want to pour scorn on your pain and anger, would lead you to believe that you are the only one who has ever suffered such things. However, they are wrong. You are not alone. You have friends. You have family members who will not stop until they know you’re safe and happy again. You may not know it yet, but you’re worth saving. You’re worth fighting for. And people are fighting for you right now, every day, all over the world.


Do not return to ways that are now behind you. You are at a crossroads. You have to decide which path you will take from here on out. It is easy to become comfortable with your past. You often fail to realize that what you are doing today is setting the stage for tomorrow. If you are in a situation that is difficult to get out of, then do not return to ways that are now behind you. There is no need to go back to your old life. Just keep moving forward, and one day you will find your new life.


Do not seek the destruction of another. When someone hurts you, your natural response is often a desire for revenge. You want them to suffer as much as you have suffered. And if they hurt you again, you want them to suffer even more than that. If you are in a dispute with someone, do not seek the destruction of another. If you can avoid it, do not bring harm to others or yourself. That is the way of peace.


Seek instead to step out of the shadows of darkness, out of the valley of despair.  The darkness is too deep, the pain too unbearable. You want to be alone with your pain, to hide away from the world. But this is not the answer. Instead, seek out other people who are in your situation, who understand what you are going through and can provide emotional support. Talk about your feelings with someone who can offer support without judgment or criticism. You do not have to suffer alone as the light and love will always be there for you. You are not alone. Many have made this journey before you and have returned to tell you about it. The way of healing is to find someone to talk with about your situation. If you have never talked with anyone about your situation before, this may be difficult for you at first. However, many people want to help and care about you as a person.

Remain in the light beloved one, for there are many who seek a better way. To stand in the light of your being and power and to not be afraid any longer of those who would keep you in the shadows. Let go of all that you thought was important before, beloved one. Let go of all that has kept you bound in fear, anger, or guilt over what has been done to you in this lifetime or another lifetime before this one. You are so much more than what you think of yourself as right now. 


Look to the light placing one foot in front of the other along the path before you. You are not alone. You never were. You may have felt that way at times, but you were never truly on your own. There has always been someone or something there for you to lean on, even if you didn’t realize it at the time. If you’re looking back with regret or resentment over what happened in your past, then it’s going to be hard for you to move forward positively. But if you’re looking back with gratitude and appreciation for what was learned and what was gained, then it becomes easier to move forward confidently into the future.

Smiling in the face of adversity for love is the way, light is your path. When you are grateful for all that you have in your life, no matter how big or small, you can feel blessed, happy, and content with what you do have rather than focusing on what you don’t have or don’t want to do. Look up, take notice, and be grateful for the small things in life that bring you joy. Savor each moment and experience as if it were your last one. No matter how bad things get, there is always something to be thankful for. It may not seem like it at the time but there’s always something positive in every situation. The sun will shine through those dark clouds and everything will be okay.


Journey the path before you in peace this day. In the quiet of your heart, you will discover what you truly are. Embrace the light that shines within you and walk in peace and joy. May your journey take you where it will, and may you be inspired to take the first step toward what you desire. Treat it with respect and gratitude, and share it with others. Let yourself be who you are not who others want you to be. Don’t let fear stop you from living life fully and continue to be courageous to face your shadows every day.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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