Angel Message Of The Day : Practicing Faith
Patience is your guide through days which appear to be fraught with the unknown.
What situation or experience is before you at this moment?
Allow you to see the golden ray of light, choosing to see beyond physical appearances. How does one exercise faith in the face of adversity?
Do you wish to feel differently?
Do you choose to see beyond the physical realm of limitation, fear, or anger?
We do not suggest you turn a blind eye to that which is happening to those around you. We are suggesting you merely observe that which occurs.
In the observing, allow all to flow around you.
Choose to allow only that which is positive to enter into your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions.
Do you know all that is to be in the moments ahead?
Do you choose to trust that all is well?
Do you choose to trust that there will be something to step upon or you shall be taught to fly?
Faith is in knowing I and my brethren through Divine Source, have provided all.
In the providing there can only be love, light, harmony, prosperity, joy, health, peace. Look about you, what do you choose to see this day?
How do you choose to walk the path before you?
Celebrate you and all that you are, know all is as it should be.
Celebrate knowing all is in Divine Order this day.
Faith in the unknown is a treasured gift only you can give to you.