Angel Message Of The Day : Release Limiting Beliefs
Awaken beloved children for there is much to celebrate.
Awaken for there is much to learn.
Awaken, in the awakening you are open to receiving all that you desire.
In the awakening you are open to giving of yourself to you.
In the awakening, there is no concept of lack; there is no concept of limitation.
Limiting beliefs serve only to hold you from your good.
Within limitation all suffer.
Discard that which seeks to keep you from your good.
Discard that which seeks to distract you from your true path.
Seek light. In seeking light there is faith, there is courage to step away from all that has come before, making clear the path before you.
Reach into you. It is you who holds you from your good, not another.
Ask and the way shall be shown to you.
Ask and the way shall be made open to you. Ask and it shall be given to you.