
Angel Message Of The Day : Speak With Love On Your Tongue

Angel of Eternal Loveย 


Comfort and solace are yours for asking. When you seek the serenity you are looking for, you will have it at the soonest. You have to remember that you deserve warmth and comfort. You have to rest so that you will feel comfortable in the embrace of love and support. You have to give utmost importance to your peace. You have to respect your own boundaries so others will do the same.


Nothing is ever lost to you, beloved one. No one is ever lost to you, beloved child of the Divine Source. You have to know that you are not broken. You are more than enough, you have always been. You have to know that whatever you have been through, they are yours to keep forever. You have always been whole as you are, and all of what you have been through is part of you already.ย 


True people, situations, and experiences come, and then they depart in one form or another. Love is eternal, for there is only love and light in all things, in all places, in all directions of time. That means all love that you have in your heart has always been inside of you. Furthermore, if these things have departed you, they will still remain at your very core. They are never lost to you.ย 

There is only love, for, without love, there would only be darkness. In the absence of love, then there would be our most dreaded darkness. You have to know that love is everywhere, especially inside of you. Even if you are in the darkest time of your life, you should know that there is always light within you. There is always a light wherever you go. It will radiate on you soon enough.ย 


True, there are moments when all appears darkest before the dawning of the next morn. Doesnโ€™t the light always come? There is always light at the end, as they say, and it is true. You have to believe that there is always light, no matter how small it may seem, sometimes when you are in a dark place. There is a flicker of light. The hope is always there with you. Continue to search for the light so that you will not lose your way. Continue to walk on your journey with love in your heart.


Does not love always find a way? Even if you are at your lowest, love still makes way for you. That means love has never been gone. It may be obscured by the negativity you are trying to push away. But it has always been there, just beside you. Continue to walk the path of what you are meant to be.


How, then, shall this day not be filled with love and forgiveness of yourself and others? How shall you choose to greet the dawn of each morn, beloved one? You have to choose love, always. Keep your head high and focus on moving forward. You may have lost your way, but you have to focus on the light inside of you.

A transition occurs in many, many forms. It is said there are no mistakes, only that they coincide. It is said when one door closes, another opens. It is said there is a time, a reason, a season, and a lifetime for all things.ย 


These are indeed truths, be willing to see, hear, feel, and speak with love on your tongue. It matters not what has come before. Start now at this moment expressing love for yourself. Love shall radiate outward from you to all around you. Continue to spread the love and light so that you will find your way, too. You will never go wrong with love. Please remember that. Continue to love.ย 


Be not afraid. Love dissolves all that is not of love, given even the smallest kernel of desire. You will be alright in due time, it may not be now, but you will be soon. Continue to walk the correct path and radiate the love you are seeking for. Find the way back to what is right so that you will only garner love and light in turn. Be not afraid.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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