
Angel Message Of The Day: Transition, Expansion, Awareness

Archangel Sariel 


In all things, in all people, in all places, know you and all shall flow peacefully, harmoniously into place within and around you.  When you know yourself, you can extend that knowledge to others and all things. It means recognizing the inherent worth and uniqueness of every individual and appreciating the interconnectedness of all beings. By acknowledging the inherent value of others, you cultivate empathy, compassion, and respect, fostering harmonious relationships and creating a sense of unity. In all places refers to recognizing the presence of divinity and interconnectedness in every aspect of the world around you. It means perceiving the beauty and wisdom in nature, in the mundane, and in the extraordinary. By acknowledging the sacredness of all places, you develop a sense of reverence and gratitude, deepening your connection to the world and fostering a harmonious relationship with the environment. When you know yourself and recognize the interconnectedness of all things, peace and harmony naturally flow into place. By aligning your thoughts, actions, and intentions with your authentic self, you create a sense of inner peace and fulfillment. By extending that understanding and respect to others and the world, you contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious collective experience.


Look to me and my brethren for protection, guidance, healing, harmony, and knowledge.  When you look to these beings for protection, you acknowledge their presence as guardians and allies. They can offer you a sense of safety and security, both physically and emotionally. By seeking their protection, you trust in their ability to shield you from harm and navigate through challenging situations. To connect with these spiritual beings, you can establish a practice of prayer, meditation, or other forms of spiritual communication. Through these practices, you can cultivate a deeper connection and open yourself up to their presence and assistance. Remember, seeking support and guidance from spiritual beings is a personal choice and belief system. It is important to approach this with an open mind and discernment, finding what resonates with you and aligns with your own spiritual path.

In the seeking you will find. Seeking can take many forms. It can involve seeking knowledge through reading, studying, or engaging in intellectual pursuits. It can also involve seeking experiences through travel, exploration, or trying new things. Seeking can also be an internal process, involving introspection, self-reflection, and inner exploration. In the act of seeking, you may encounter challenges, obstacles, or moments of uncertainty. However, it is through these challenges that you often find the most profound growth and transformation. The process of seeking encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace the unknown, and trust in your own abilities to navigate through the journey. It is important to approach seeking with an open mind and heart. By releasing preconceived notions or attachments to specific outcomes, you create space for unexpected discoveries and opportunities. The seeking process is not always linear or predictable, but it is in the openness and willingness to explore that you can find the most meaningful and transformative experiences.


In the asking you will receive. When you engage in the act of asking, you are expressing your needs, desires, or intentions to others or to the universe. By articulating what you are seeking, you create a pathway for others to understand and respond to your requests. It is through this process of asking that you open yourself up to receiving the support, resources, or opportunities that can help you on your journey. Asking can take various forms. It can involve seeking guidance or advice from mentors, friends, or experts in a particular field. It can also involve requesting assistance or support from others when you are facing challenges or need help. Asking can also involve setting clear intentions and expressing your desires to the universe or a higher power, trusting that the universe will respond in its own way and timing. In the act of asking, it is important to cultivate a sense of openness and receptivity. By releasing attachment to specific outcomes or expectations, you create space for unexpected blessings or opportunities to come your way. It is through this openness that you allow the universe to respond and provide what is in alignment with your highest good.. 

In the knocking upon the door,  and all shall be opened to you.  When you knock upon the door, you are symbolically reaching out, making your presence known, and expressing your desire to enter or explore what lies beyond. It represents taking initiative, being proactive, and actively engaging with the world around you. By knocking upon the door, you signal your readiness and willingness to embrace new experiences and opportunities. Knocking upon the door can take many forms. It can involve reaching out to others, networking, or seeking connections that can open doors to new relationships, collaborations, or opportunities. It can also involve taking action towards your goals, pursuing your passions, or stepping outside of your comfort zone. Knocking upon the door can also be an internal process, involving self-reflection, introspection, and the willingness to explore new aspects of yourself. In the act of knocking upon the door, it is important to cultivate perseverance and resilience. Sometimes, the door may not open immediately, or it may require multiple attempts. However, by persisting and not giving up, you increase your chances of finding the opportunities or experiences you seek. It is through this determination that you create momentum and invite the universe to respond in its own way and timing.


Each moment, each breath, each step forward along the path before you is an opportunity to go beyond what is known. Each breath you take is a reminder of the constant flow of life and the opportunity for renewal. With each inhale and exhale, you have the chance to release old patterns, beliefs, or limitations and invite in fresh energy, inspiration, and insight. It is through this conscious breathing that you can tap into your inner wisdom and intuition, guiding you towards new paths and opportunities. Every step forward along the path before you is an invitation to explore, learn, and grow. Each step represents a choice, a decision to move beyond your comfort zone and embrace the unknown. It is through these steps that you expand your horizons, challenge your limitations, and discover new aspects of yourself and the world around you. Going beyond what is known requires a willingness to let go of certainty and embrace uncertainty. It involves embracing the discomfort of the unfamiliar and trusting in your own abilities to navigate through the unknown. It is through this willingness to step into the unknown that you can tap into your inner courage, resilience, and creativity.

Be not afraid, beloved one, for you are loved, and you are guided beyond measure. To be not afraid is to release fear and embrace a state of trust and faith. It is a reminder that fear is not your true essence and that you have the power to transcend it. By letting go of fear, you create space for love, joy, and peace to enter your life. Beloved one, this term of endearment acknowledges your inherent worthiness and reminds you that you are deeply cherished. It affirms that you are deserving of love, compassion, and all the blessings that life has to offer. It is a reminder to treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and self-love. You are loved beyond measure, indicating that the love that surrounds you is limitless and unconditional. It is a reminder that you are never alone, and that there are forces greater than yourself that are constantly supporting and uplifting you. This love comes from various sources, including the people in your life, the universe, and a higher power.


Seek answers first within. To seek answers within is to cultivate a sense of self-awareness and introspection. It involves taking the time to quiet the external noise and distractions, and instead, directing your attention inward. By doing so, you create a space for reflection, self-discovery, and inner exploration. Within you lies a vast wellspring of wisdom, knowledge, and intuition. It is a deep reservoir of insights, experiences, and lessons that you have accumulated throughout your life. By seeking answers within, you tap into this inner wisdom and access the guidance that is uniquely tailored to your own journey. When you seek answers within, you are acknowledging your own power and agency. It is a reminder that you have the ability to find solutions, make decisions, and navigate through life’s challenges from a place of inner strength and clarity. By trusting in your own inner guidance, you can make choices that align with your values, desires, and highest good.


Each breath gives you another. Every breath we draw in is a precious gift, a reminder of the vital force that animates our bodies and connects us to the world around us. It is a gentle reminder of the inherent rhythm and harmony that exists within us and in the universe. With each breath, we are given the opportunity to experience the beauty, wonder, and abundance of life. The act of breathing is often taken for granted, as it is an automatic and unconscious process. However, when we pause to acknowledge and honor each breath, we tap into a deeper sense of gratitude and presence. We become aware of the life-giving energy that flows through us, nourishing our cells, organs, and every aspect of our being. Each breath is a gateway to the present moment. It anchors us in the here and now, inviting us to let go of the past and future, and to fully immerse ourselves in the richness of the present. It is through the breath that we can cultivate mindfulness and awaken to the infinite possibilities that exist in each passing moment.

Each moment of peacefulness gifts you with another. Finding peace within ourselves is a transformative process. It requires us to let go of attachments, expectations, and the need for control. It invites us to surrender to the present moment and accept things as they are. In doing so, we open ourselves up to the inherent peace that resides within us, waiting to be discovered and embraced. Each moment of peacefulness is an opportunity for self-reflection, self-care, and self-discovery. It allows us to tune into our inner wisdom, intuition, and authentic desires. In moments of peace, we can reconnect with our values, passions, and purpose, gaining clarity and insight into the path we want to walk. Moreover, each moment of peacefulness has a ripple effect that extends beyond ourselves. When we cultivate inner peace, we radiate that peace outwards, positively influencing our relationships, interactions, and the world around us. Our peaceful presence can inspire and uplift others, creating a ripple effect of tranquility and harmony in our communities and beyond.


Each moment of joy gifts you with another. Finding joy in the present moment is a transformative practice. It requires us to shift our focus from what is lacking or challenging to what brings us delight and gratitude. It invites us to cultivate a mindset of appreciation and to find beauty and joy in the simplest of things. In doing so, we open ourselves up to the boundless joy that is available to us in every moment. Each moment of joy is an opportunity for self-expression, connection, and celebration. It allows us to fully engage with life, to savor the richness of our experiences, and to connect with others on a deeper level. In moments of joy, we can let go of worries, fears, and limitations, and fully embrace the present moment with a sense of wonder and awe.


Each moment of gratitude and appreciation gifts you with more to be thankful for, appreciating many blessings. Gratitude is a powerful practice that shifts our focus from what is lacking to what is present and positive in our lives. It is a state of being that allows us to recognize and appreciate the blessings, big and small, that surround us each day. Each moment of gratitude and appreciation becomes a gift that multiplies, attracting more reasons to be thankful and amplifying our sense of abundance. When we consciously choose to cultivate moments of gratitude and appreciation, we create a positive feedback loop. Each moment of gratitude becomes a foundation upon which we can build more moments of appreciation. By actively seeking and embracing gratitude, we create a fertile ground for its growth and expansion in our lives. Finding gratitude and appreciation in the present moment is a transformative practice. It requires us to shift our perspective and to look beyond the surface to discover the beauty, goodness, and blessings that exist in our lives. It invites us to cultivate a mindset of abundance and to recognize the countless gifts that surround us, even in the midst of challenges.


What do you seek?  For what do you yearn? Seeking is an inherent part of the human experience. We seek knowledge, understanding, connection, love, purpose, and various forms of growth and self-expression. We yearn for experiences that bring us joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Each person’s journey is unique, and what we seek and yearn for may evolve and change over time. To answer these questions, we must embark on a journey of self-discovery and introspection. We must take the time to listen to the whispers of our hearts and tune into our innermost desires. It requires us to be honest with ourselves, to peel back the layers of conditioning and societal expectations, and to connect with our authentic selves. Sometimes, what we seek and yearn for may be tangible, such as a fulfilling career, loving relationships, financial stability, or personal achievements. Other times, it may be intangible, such as inner peace, spiritual growth, personal development, or a sense of belonging and connection.

In all things, in all people, in all places seek peace; harmony shall accompany you all your days and nights. Peace is a fundamental human need and a universal aspiration. It is a state of tranquility, serenity, and balance that transcends external circumstances. When we actively seek peace, we create a space within ourselves where we can find solace, clarity, and a deep sense of well-being. When we actively seek peace, we invite harmony into our lives. Harmony is the natural result of aligning our thoughts, actions, and intentions with the principles of peace. It is a state of coherence and balance that permeates every aspect of our existence. In seeking peace and cultivating harmony, we create a ripple effect that extends beyond ourselves. Our inner peace radiates outwards, positively influencing those around us and creating a more peaceful and harmonious environment. We become agents of change, contributing to the collective well-being and fostering a culture of peace in our communities and the world.

Amanda Cooper

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