
Angel Message Of The Day: Unconditional Release



Release that which causes dis-harmony. Any factors that create discord, conflict, or unease within ourselves or in our relationships with others. It could be negative emotions, toxic relationships, unhealthy habits, or any other sources of imbalance that disrupt our overall well-being. Let go or free ourselves from that which causes dis-harmony. It involves acknowledging and addressing the sources of imbalance in our lives and taking active steps to remove or distance ourselves from them. Let go of negative influences, we create space for positivity, serenity, and personal growth. Secondly, it enhances our relationship. Remove  toxic or unhealthy dynamics, we can foster healthier connections and cultivate harmonious interactions with others. Thirdly, it allows us to align with our true selves. 


Release that which is conditional. Our lives that is contingent upon certain conditions or requirements. It could be relationships, expectations, beliefs, or even our own self-imposed limitations. These conditions often restrict our ability to fully embrace and experience life as they create dependencies, expectations, and limitations that prevent us from living authentically and freely. Let go of the attachments and conditions that bind us. It involves recognizing and acknowledging the limitations and restrictions they impose on our lives and making a deliberate choice to free ourselves from them. Embrace the present moment and let go of attachment to future outcomes or past experiences. It reminds us to focus on what is happening now, rather than being bound by expectations or regrets.

Release that which does not serve your highest and best good. Aligns with our values, aspirations, and overall well-being. It encompasses actions, relationships, habits, beliefs, and any other aspects of our lives that contribute positively to our growth, happiness, and fulfillment. Let go of anything that no longer serves our highest and best good. It involves recognizing and acknowledging the negative impact or lack of benefit that certain aspects of our lives may have and making a deliberate choice to free ourselves from them. Release what does not serve our highest and best good is an act of empowerment and self-care. It requires self-reflection, honesty, and the willingness to make necessary changes. By actively identifying and letting go of what no longer serves us, we take control of our lives and prioritize our own well-being and growth.


Release all that is not of love and light. Let go of anything that is not aligned with love and light. It involves recognizing and acknowledging negative emotions, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, relationships, or any other aspects of our lives that do not contribute to love and light, and making a deliberate choice to release them. Release all that is not of love and light empowers us to become conduits of positivity and compassion. By embodying love and light, we can inspire and uplift others, creating a ripple effect of positivity and transformation in our communities and the world.


Call upon me to clear the path before you, lighting each step upon your path in brilliant white light. There is no place, no space for any shadow thought, emotion, circumstance, or situation to conceal itself. Call upon a higher power, whether it be a deity, the universe, or our own inner wisdom, to support and guide us on our journey. It acknowledges that we are not alone and that there is a source of divine wisdom and protection available to us. There is no room for any negative thoughts, emotions, circumstances, or situations to hide or conceal themselves. It highlights the power of divine light to expose and dissolve any darkness or negativity that may arise. This implies that with divine assistance, we can navigate our journey with a sense of empowerment, knowing that nothing can hold us back or keep us in the shadows.


There is only love. There is only light. Love and light are not separate entities but rather interconnected and inseparable. It suggests that love and light are fundamental aspects of our existence and the fabric of the universe. This understanding promotes a sense of oneness and interconnectedness, reminding us that we are all interconnected and part of a greater whole. The interconnectedness of all beings and the fundamental goodness that resides within each of us. Embracing the belief in the primacy of love and light promotes compassion, inner peace, and positive transformation. It reminds us to align ourselves with these qualities and become beacons of love and light in the world.


In the beginning all was made in the likeness of Spirit, Divine Source. All is made in love. All is made in light. Love is regarded as the fundamental energy that underlies all creation. It represents the purest form of positive energy, compassion, and unity. By acknowledging that all is made in love, we affirm the inherent goodness and interconnectedness of all beings and the world around us. Light symbolizes wisdom, truth, and spiritual illumination. It represents the energy that dispels darkness, ignorance, and confusion. By recognizing that all is made in light, we acknowledge the presence of divine wisdom and guidance within ourselves and the world. This understanding encourages us to seek truth, cultivate awareness, and align ourselves with higher consciousness.

Imagine a balloon, a beautiful emerald green balloon, breathing deeply and exhaling slowly filling the balloon with all thoughts of lack, situations, which cause dis-comfort, dis-harmony. Hold your worries, fears, and any negative emotions that may be weighing you down. The act of visualizing these thoughts and situations being contained within the balloon allows you to externalize them, creating a sense of separation between yourself and these negative energies. As you continue to breathe and release, the balloon becomes fuller and fuller, until it reaches its maximum capacity. You have successfully transferred all thoughts of lack, discomfort, and disharmony into the balloon, freeing yourself from their grip. Now, take a moment to observe the balloon, filled with all that you have released. Acknowledge that these negative energies are no longer a part of you. They are contained within the balloon, separate from your being.


Breathe in light and exhale all shadow and darkness into the balloon. Breathe deeply, inhaling the Divine Light then exhale shadow. As you continue to breathe deeply, inhaling the divine light and exhaling shadow, feel a sense of purification and renewal taking place within you. The light you are inhaling represents the highest vibrations of love, wisdom, and spiritual illumination. It cleanses and clears away any stagnant or negative energies that may be present within you. With each breath, the balloon becomes a container for all the shadow and darkness that you are releasing. It holds these energies, separating them from your being and allowing you to create a space of inner light and clarity. As the balloon fills with shadow, observe it becoming darker and heavier. Acknowledge that these energies are no longer a part of you. They are contained within the balloon, separate from your being.


Tie a beautiful, bright yellow, silken ribbon to seal all inside the balloon. With gentle and deliberate movements, take the bright yellow ribbon and carefully tie it around the neck of the balloon. As you do so, feel a sense of closure and completion. The act of sealing the balloon with the ribbon signifies that you have successfully contained and separated yourself from the negative energies that were once within you. As you tie the ribbon, visualize it forming a secure and beautiful knot. This knot represents your commitment to maintaining your newfound state of lightness and clarity. It serves as a reminder that you have the power to release and let go of any future shadows or darkness that may arise. Take a moment to admire the sealed balloon, now adorned with the bright yellow ribbon. Allow yourself to feel a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. You have taken an active role in your own transformation and have created a symbol of your ability to let go and embrace positivity.


In love and light, release the balloon. The balloon begins to rise above all Earthly concerns. The balloon rises higher, higher, higher still. As the balloon continues its journey, it becomes smaller and smaller in your sight. Yet, its presence remains etched in your heart and mind, a symbol of your ability to transcend limitations and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. With each passing moment, the balloon merges with the vastness of the sky, becoming one with the expansive cosmos. It symbolizes the dissolution of boundaries and the connection to something greater than yourself. Allow yourself to feel a sense of unity and oneness with the universe as you witness the balloon’s ascent.


The balloon continues to rise, you feel lighter and lighter.  The balloon has risen so high, it has become a tiny speck. In this moment, take a deep breath and allow yourself to fully embrace the lightness and freedom that you feel. Let go of any remaining attachments or concerns that may still linger within you. Trust in the process of your own expansion and know that you are capable of reaching heights that were once unimaginable. As the balloon becomes a tiny speck, remember that its ascent represents your own journey towards self-discovery and self-realization. Embrace the infinite potential that resides within you and allow yourself to soar to new heights of consciousness and understanding.

You no longer see the balloon; there is no thing, person, situation, nor circumstance to hold you from your good. In this state of realization, you are filled with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation. You recognize that every experience, person, and circumstance has played a role in your journey of growth and self-discovery. You release any feelings of resentment or resistance, knowing that they no longer serve you. With the absence of the balloon, you are fully present in the now. You embrace the beauty and potential of each moment, knowing that it holds the key to your highest good. You trust in the unfolding of your path, surrendering to the divine guidance that is always available to you. Without the presence of the balloon, you stand firmly in your power and claim your birthright to experience your highest good. You are no longer bound by external circumstances, for you understand that your true power lies within.


Allow yourself to be free. All is well.As you let go of limitations, you tap into your inner power and wisdom. Trust in your own intuition and guidance. Allow yourself to follow the whispers of your heart and take inspired action towards your dreams and desires. In this state of freedom, you release the need for validation or approval from others. You recognize that your worthiness is inherent and that you are deserving of love, joy, and abundance. Embrace your uniqueness and shine your light brightly for the world to see. Know that all is well, dear one. Even in the face of challenges or uncertainty, trust that everything is unfolding in divine perfection. The universe has a plan for you, and it is always working in your favor.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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