
Angel Message Of The Day: Vision of Seeing



As you look around, what do you see? As you look around, are you willing to see beyond the physical forms and instead, observe the energy and essence that permeates everything? Can you open your heart and mind to recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and the underlying unity that binds us together? Beyond the external, are you willing to see the emotions, thoughts, and experiences that may be present in the people and creatures you encounter? Can you cultivate empathy and understanding, recognizing that everyone has their own unique journey and struggles? Are you willing to see the potential and possibilities that lie within each moment? Can you embrace a mindset of curiosity and wonder, allowing yourself to be open to new experiences and opportunities for growth? Beloved one, as you look around, are you willing to expand your perception and see beyond the surface level? Are you ready to embrace a deeper understanding of the world and your place within it? Trust in your own innate wisdom and intuition as you embark on this journey of exploration and expansion.


Do you see limitations or limitlessness, dis-ease or health, lack or abundance?  When it comes to dis-ease, are you willing to shift your focus towards health and well-being? Can you adopt a mindset of wholeness and vitality, recognizing that your body, mind, and spirit have the innate ability to heal and thrive? In the face of lack, are you willing to cultivate a mindset of abundance? Can you shift your perspective from scarcity to sufficiency, recognizing the abundance that already exists in your life? Are you open to receiving and embracing the blessings and opportunities that come your way? Beloved one, are you willing to shift your perspective and see beyond limitation, dis-ease, and lack? Are you ready to embrace the truth of your limitless potential, vibrant health, and abundant nature? Trust in your own power and the abundance of the universe as you embark on this journey of transformation. Remember, shifting your perspective does not mean denying or ignoring the challenges and difficulties that may arise. It is about choosing to focus on the possibilities, the solutions, and the blessings that are available to you. It is about cultivating a mindset of empowerment and gratitude, knowing that you have the ability to shape your reality.

Do you see dis-harmony or harmony? When we focus on dis-harmony, it can be easy to get caught up in the conflicts, discord, and challenges that exist in the world. However, there is a greater truth that lies beyond these perceived dis-harmonies. Are you willing to open your heart and mind to the possibilities of harmony? Instead of seeing dis-harmony, are you willing to recognize the inherent interconnectedness and unity that exists in all things? Can you embrace the idea that we are all part of a greater whole, and that our actions and intentions have the power to create harmony in our lives and in the world? Beloved one, are you willing to shift your perception and see beyond dis-harmony, and instead embrace harmony in all aspects of life? Are you ready to align your thoughts, words, and actions with the principles of harmony, and contribute to the creation of a more harmonious world? Remember, embracing harmony does not mean denying or ignoring the challenges and conflicts that may arise. It is about choosing to approach them with a mindset of seeking resolution, understanding, and growth. It is about cultivating inner peace and extending that peace to the world around you.


Do you see chaos or peacefulness in your surroundings? In the face of external chaos, are you willing to cultivate inner peace? Can you develop practices such as meditation, mindfulness, or deep breathing to center yourself and find peace amidst the chaos? Are you open to embracing the present moment and finding gratitude for the simple joys that exist in your surroundings? Beloved one, are you willing to shift your perception and see beyond chaos, and instead embrace peacefulness in your surroundings? Are you ready to create an inner sanctuary of peace that can radiate outwards and positively influence your surroundings? Remember, cultivating peacefulness does not mean denying or ignoring the challenges and chaos that may arise. It is about choosing to respond to them with a sense of calmness, clarity, and compassion. It is about finding balance amidst the chaos and nurturing your inner peace as a source of strength and resilience.


There is much before you this moment; choose to see past physical realm perceptions of fear and lack, distrust of your fellow human kind. When we allow fear and lack to dominate our perceptions, it can be easy to feel limited, disconnected, and mistrustful of others. However, there is a greater truth that lies beyond these perceived limitations. Are you willing to open your heart and mind to the possibilities that exist beyond fear and lack? Instead of seeing fear, are you willing to recognize the inherent courage and strength that resides within you? Can you embrace the idea that fear is often a signpost pointing towards growth and expansion? Are you open to facing your fears with compassion and curiosity, knowing that they can be transformed into opportunities for personal development? As you shift your perspective, be mindful of any limiting beliefs or patterns that may contribute to fear, lack, and distrust. Release any thoughts or beliefs that no longer serve you and replace them with empowering and expansive thoughts. Embrace the journey of transformation and trust in the infinite possibilities that await you.

Choose instead to be aware of that which is before you; choose to acknowledge that which is a truth for another without creating their truth as your own.  Choosing to be aware of that which is before you means being fully present in the moment and observing without attachment or judgment. It means embracing the diversity of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences that exist in the world. Are you willing to let go of the need to be right or to convince others of your own truth, and instead create space for respectful dialogue and mutual understanding? Beloved one, are you willing to shift your mindset and choose to be aware of that which is before you? Are you ready to acknowledge and honor the truth that exists for another without feeling the need to make it your own? Can you embrace the beauty of diversity and engage in compassionate and open-hearted interactions? Remember, choosing awareness and acknowledging the truth of others does not mean compromising your own values or beliefs. It is about cultivating a sense of curiosity, openness, and respect for the perspectives of others. It is about fostering a sense of unity and connection, even in the midst of differing truths.


Truth is that which resonates within you. The truth that resonates within you is a reflection of your own experiences, beliefs, values, and intuition. It is a compass that guides you towards alignment with your authentic self and purpose. Are you willing to embrace this inner truth and allow it to shape your life in a way that feels genuine and fulfilling? Beloved one, remember that your truth may evolve and change over time as you grow and gain new insights. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-expression. Are you open to embracing the fluidity of truth and allowing it to unfold naturally within you? As you honor the truth that resonates within you, be mindful of any external influences or societal conditioning that may cloud your perception. Trust your own inner compass and discern what feels true and authentic to you. Embrace the journey of self-exploration and self-acceptance, knowing that your truth is valid and valuable.


Choose to see past physical real limitations of others, their truth need not be your truth. You are free to choose, seeing through the eyes of my brethren and me and that of Divine Source. Each person’s truth is shaped by their unique experiences, beliefs, and perspectives. It is important to honor and respect the truth of others without feeling the need to make it your own. Are you open to this level of awareness and acceptance? Instead of being confined by the physical limitations we observe in others, are you willing to see them through a lens of compassion and understanding? Can you cultivate empathy and recognize that their truth is influenced by their own journey and circumstances? Are you open to acknowledging the inherent divinity within each individual, regardless of their physical limitations? Choosing to see beyond physical limitations means recognizing the infinite potential and essence of the soul that resides within each person. It means embracing the idea that we are all interconnected and part of a greater whole. 


Vision is seeing through the eyes of love and compassion. Compassionate vision allows us to see beyond the surface and understand the deeper layers of someone’s experience. It helps us to empathize with their pain, celebrate their joys, and hold space for their growth. Are you willing to cultivate this level of understanding and compassion? Beloved one, as you choose to see through the eyes of love and compassion, be mindful of any biases or judgments that may arise. Practice empathy and seek to understand the experiences and perspectives of others. Embrace the journey of expanding your own capacity for love and compassion. As you cultivate this vision of love and compassion, you contribute to a more harmonious and connected world. You become a beacon of light, inspiring others to see beyond surface appearances and embrace the beauty and potential in every being. Embrace the journey of seeing through the eyes of love and compassion, and watch as your own heart expands and the world around you transforms.

Are you willing to see you through eyes of love and compassion as Source sees you?  Seeing yourself through the eyes of love and compassion also means extending forgiveness and understanding to yourself. It means releasing any self-judgment or harsh expectations, and instead embracing a gentle and nurturing approach towards yourself. Are you willing to let go of self-criticism and embrace self-compassion? Beloved one, as you choose to see yourself through the eyes of love and compassion, be mindful of any negative self-talk or limiting beliefs that may arise. Practice self-acceptance and self-kindness, knowing that you are deserving of love and compassion, just as you are. Remember, seeing yourself through the eyes of love and compassion does not mean denying your challenges or flaws. It means embracing your humanity and offering yourself the same understanding and support that you would extend to others. It means recognizing that you are a work in progress, and that growth and learning are part of your journey.


Are you willing to see all creatures great and small with love and compassion? Vision,  Vision and how shall you choose to see this day? Beloved one, as you choose to see all creatures with love and compassion, be mindful of any biases or judgments that may arise. Practice empathy and seek to understand the experiences and needs of other beings. Embrace the journey of expanding your own capacity for love and compassion. Remember, seeing all creatures with love and compassion does not mean ignoring or condoning harmful behavior. It means recognizing the inherent worth and value of all life, while also promoting the well-being and harmony of the entire ecosystem. It means making conscious choices that support the welfare of all creatures, great and small. As you cultivate this vision of love and compassion towards all creatures, you contribute to a more harmonious and interconnected world. You become a steward of the Earth, caring for and protecting the diverse life forms that inhabit it. Embrace the journey of seeing all creatures with love and compassion, and watch as your own heart expands and the world around you transforms.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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