
Angel Message Of The Day: You Are Called Upon



You are called upon each moment to radiate light and love. It is not just a one-time task or occasional duty, but rather a continuous invitation to embody and express these qualities in our thoughts, words, and actions. It reminds us that we have the power to make a positive impact on the world around us, simply by choosing to emanate light and love in every interaction and situation we encounter. By being called upon to radiate light and love, we are reminded of our divine nature and our interconnectedness with all beings. We are channels for the universal energy of love and that it is our purpose to share this love with others. When we radiate light and love, we create a ripple effect, inspiring and uplifting those around us, and contributing to the collective consciousness of love and compassion. When we choose to embody these qualities, we not only positively impact others, but we also transform ourselves. By radiating light, we dispel darkness and negativity, both within ourselves and in our external environment. By radiating love, we cultivate a sense of connection, understanding, and empathy, fostering harmonious relationships and a sense of unity.


You are called upon to speak your truth. Let go of the fear of judgment or rejection and to trust in the value of our own voice. When we speak our truth, we create an opportunity for genuine connection and understanding, as others are able to see and relate to our authentic selves. When we speak our truth, we are honoring our inner guidance and living a life of integrity. By expressing our true thoughts and feelings, we create a sense of congruence within ourselves and cultivate a deeper sense of self-acceptance and self-respect. There may be challenges and obstacles along the way, but it encourages


You are called upon to be compassionate. Compassion is not just a passive quality, but an active choice and a way of being in the world. It reminds us that we have the power to make a positive impact on others by choosing to cultivate and express compassion in our thoughts, words, and actions. Compassion is not limited to specific individuals or situations, but rather a universal principle that extends to all living beings. It encourages us to recognize the shared humanity in others and to respond to their joys, sorrows, and struggles with a compassionate and open heart.  Compassion allows us to cultivate a deeper sense of empathy, understanding, and acceptance. It opens our hearts to the suffering of others and motivates us to take action to alleviate that suffering, whether through acts of kindness, support, or advocacy.


You are called upon to forgive others for their transgressions against you and others. You are called upon to forgive yourself in times of doubt and fear.  We are called upon to forgive others for the transgressions they have committed against us and others. It implies that forgiveness is not an easy task, but rather a conscious choice that requires strength and compassion. It reminds us that holding onto grudges and resentment only perpetuates our own suffering, and that by choosing to forgive, we free ourselves from the burden of anger and resentment. By forgiving others, we acknowledge their humanity and recognize that they too are capable of making mistakes. It does not mean condoning or forgetting their actions, but rather releasing the negative emotions associated with those actions and choosing to move forward with compassion and understanding. Forgiveness allows us to break free from the cycle of pain and to foster healing and reconciliation in our relationships.


You are called upon to love you and others unconditionally. Love is not just a fleeting emotion, but a conscious choice and a way of being in the world. It reminds us that love is not limited by conditions or expectations, but rather an expansive and all-encompassing force that transcends judgment, criticism, and self-interest. Embrace our strengths and weaknesses, to celebrate our uniqueness, and to treat ourselves with kindness and understanding. Unconditional self-love allows us to cultivate a deep sense of worthiness and inner peace, and to nurture a healthy relationship with ourselves.  It implies that when we choose to love others unconditionally, we create a space of acceptance, understanding, and empathy. Unconditional love allows us to see the inherent goodness in others, to embrace their imperfections, and to support their growth and well-being. It fosters genuine connections, builds bridges of understanding, and promotes harmony and unity.


Unconditional love does not mean you must stay where you no longer desire to be. Love is not synonymous with sacrificing our own happiness or compromising our own values. It implies that love should not be a reason to tolerate mistreatment, toxicity, or stagnation. Unconditional love does not mean we must endure situations that cause us harm, pain, or prevent us from living authentically. Unconditional love includes loving ourselves enough to create a safe and nurturing environment for our own growth and well-being. It encourages us to recognize when a situation or relationship no longer serves us, and to have the courage to make choices that align with our own values and aspirations. Unconditional love should not be a reason to remain in situations or relationships that no longer bring us joy, fulfillment, or growth. It reminds us that we have the power to create a life that aligns with our true desires and values, even if it means making difficult choices or letting go of what no longer serves us.


Unconditional forgiveness does not mean you must remain on your current path. Unconditional forgiveness is not synonymous with tolerating ongoing mistreatment, toxicity, or staying in situations that hinder our growth and happiness. It implies that forgiveness is a separate process from making choices about our own well-being and the direction of our lives. The importance of setting healthy boundaries and practicing self-care. It implies that unconditional forgiveness includes loving ourselves enough to create a safe and nurturing environment for our own growth and well-being. It encourages us to recognize when a situation or relationship no longer serves us, and to have the courage to make choices that align with our own values and aspirations. unconditional forgiveness should not be a reason to remain in situations or relationships that no longer bring us joy, fulfillment, or growth. It reminds us that we have the power to create a life that aligns with our true desires and values, even if it means making difficult choices or changing our current path.


Unconditional is without condition. When we say something is unconditional, we mean that it is not contingent upon any specific circumstances or requirements. It is a love that knows no bounds, a support that remains unwavering, and a connection that is not swayed by external factors. Unconditional love is often associated with the love between a parent and child, where the bond is unbreakable and everlasting. To truly understand the significance of unconditional, we must explore its implications in various aspects of life. In relationships, unconditional love is the cornerstone of a healthy and fulfilling connection. It means accepting someone for who they are, flaws and all, without trying to change or mold them into our ideal image. It is about embracing their imperfections and loving them unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. Unconditional support is another facet of this concept. It means standing by someone’s side, regardless of the challenges they face or the mistakes they make. It is about offering a helping hand, a listening ear, and a shoulder to lean on, without judgment or conditions. Unconditional support fosters growth, resilience, and a sense of security in knowing that we are not alone in our journey.


Light shines upon you without condition. In the physical realm, light is a fundamental force that allows us to perceive the world around us. It brightens our days, reveals the vibrant colors of nature, and brings life to every corner. Whether it is the gentle glow of the sun, the twinkling stars in the night sky, or the comforting radiance of a candle, light has the ability to transform our surroundings and uplift our spirits. But beyond its physical manifestation, light holds a deeper meaning that resonates with our emotional and spiritual well-being. It symbolizes enlightenment, knowledge, and wisdom. Just as light dispels darkness, it also has the power to illuminate our minds and hearts, helping us find clarity and understanding in the face of confusion or uncertainty. In times of despair or sadness, light serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that there is always a glimmer of brightness amidst the darkness. It encourages us to keep moving forward, to persevere, and to believe in the possibility of a better tomorrow. Light shines upon us without condition, offering solace and comfort when we need it the most. 


Light shines through you without condition. When light shines through you without condition, it means that you are a vessel for love, compassion, and wisdom. You become a conduit for positive energy, allowing it to flow freely and touch the lives of others. Just as light illuminates the darkness, your presence has the power to bring clarity, healing, and inspiration to those who cross your path. Light shining through you without condition also signifies authenticity and vulnerability. It encourages you to embrace your true self, to let your inner light shine brightly, and to share your unique gifts with the world. When you allow light to shine through you without condition, you inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of authenticity and empowerment. Moreover, light shining through you without condition represents the interconnectedness of all beings. It reminds us that we are not separate entities, but rather interconnected threads in the fabric of existence. When you allow light to shine through you without condition, you radiate love and unity, dissolving boundaries and fostering a sense of oneness with all of creation.


Love is given to you without condition. Love, in its purest form, is unconditional. It is a love that knows no limits, no boundaries, and no requirements. It is a love that accepts you for who you are, embracing your flaws, quirks, and imperfections. Love given without condition means that you are loved for simply being you, without needing to meet any expectations or fulfill any conditions. In relationships, love given without condition creates a strong and lasting bond. It means that you are loved not only for your strengths but also for your vulnerabilities. It is a love that supports you through thick and thin, through the highs and lows of life. Love given without condition means that you are cherished and valued for your authentic self, without needing to change or conform to someone else’s ideals. Love given without condition also extends beyond romantic relationships. It encompasses the love of family and friends, where the ties that bind are rooted in unconditional acceptance and support. It means that you are loved and cherished by those who truly see you, who embrace your uniqueness, and who stand by your side through all of life’s challenges.


Choose to be unconditional. To be unconditional means to let go of judgment and expectations. It means accepting others as they are, without trying to change or control them. It means extending kindness and understanding, even when faced with differences or disagreements. Choosing to be unconditional allows us to see the inherent worth and beauty in every individual, recognizing that we are all on our own unique journeys. When we choose to be unconditional, we open ourselves up to deeper connections and meaningful relationships. By letting go of conditions and expectations, we create a safe space for others to be their authentic selves. We foster an environment of trust, where people feel accepted and valued for who they truly are. Choosing to be unconditional in our relationships allows us to build strong bonds based on love, respect, and mutual support. Being unconditional also extends to how we treat ourselves. It means practicing self-love and self-acceptance, embracing our strengths and weaknesses, and nurturing our own well-being. Choosing to be unconditional towards ourselves means letting go of self-criticism and embracing self-compassion. It means acknowledging that we are deserving of love and care, regardless of our perceived flaws or mistakes.


Choose to be compassionate. When we choose to be compassionate, we create a ripple effect of positivity and healing. Our compassionate actions and words have the power to uplift and inspire, to bring solace and hope to those who are going through difficult times. Compassion has the ability to mend broken hearts, to ease burdens, and to foster a sense of belonging and connection. Choosing to be compassionate also involves extending that same kindness and understanding towards ourselves. It means treating ourselves with gentleness and forgiveness, recognizing our own humanity and embracing our imperfections. Self-compassion allows us to cultivate a healthy relationship with ourselves, fostering self-care, resilience, and inner peace. Moreover, choosing to be compassionate helps to break down barriers and foster a sense of unity and harmony in our relationships and communities. It transcends differences and promotes understanding, acceptance, and respect for all individuals. Compassion allows us to see beyond surface-level judgments and biases, recognizing the shared humanity that binds us all together.


Choose to be love. To choose to be love means to embody love in every aspect of our lives. It means approaching ourselves, others, and the world with an open heart and a deep sense of compassion. Love is not merely an emotion but a state of being, a way of living that transcends boundaries and connects us all. When we choose to be love, we radiate kindness, acceptance, and understanding. We treat ourselves and others with respect and empathy, recognizing the inherent worth and beauty in every being. Love is a force that unites us, bridging gaps and dissolving divisions. It allows us to see beyond differences and embrace the common thread that binds us all together. Choosing to be love means letting go of judgment, fear, and resentment. It means forgiving ourselves and others, releasing the weight of past hurts and grievances. Love is a healing balm that soothes wounds and nurtures growth. It brings light to the darkest corners of our hearts, illuminating the path towards inner peace and wholeness.


Choose to be forgiving. When we choose to be forgiving, we contribute to the creation of a more compassionate and harmonious world. Forgiveness has the power to ripple outwards, inspiring others to let go of their own resentments and embrace a path of healing and understanding. It fosters a culture of empathy and reconciliation, where conflicts can be resolved peacefully and relationships can be restored. In a world that can sometimes be filled with hurt, betrayal, and misunderstandings, choosing to be forgiving is a radical act of love and compassion. It is a testament to our resilience and our commitment to personal growth and transformation. By choosing forgiveness, we create space for healing, connection, and profound inner peace.


Choose to see grace where there is none. When we choose to see grace where there is none, we become agents of positive change in the world. Our ability to extend grace and compassion has the power to inspire others to do the same. It creates a ripple effect of love and understanding, fostering a more compassionate and harmonious society. In a world that can sometimes be filled with pain, suffering, and division, choosing to see grace where there is none is a radical act of love and compassion. It is a testament to our belief in the inherent goodness of humanity and our commitment to creating a more inclusive and understanding world. Let us extend kindness, empathy, and understanding to ourselves and others, even in the face of adversity or difficult circumstances. Let us be the embodiment of grace, radiating its transformative power to all those we encounter.


Choose wisely. All that is within you, you radiate outward giving and receive in kind. When we choose wisely, we become conscious co-creators of our reality. We recognize that our thoughts, words, and actions have a ripple effect, influencing not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us. By choosing wisely, we actively participate in shaping our experiences and the collective consciousness, contributing to the greater good of humanity and the world. In the process of choosing wisely, we also develop resilience and adaptability. We learn from our experiences, both positive and challenging, and use that wisdom to inform our future choices. Wise choices are not always easy or comfortable, but they are guided by a deep understanding of our own growth and the greater good. By choosing wisely, we embrace the lessons and opportunities for growth that life presents to us. In a world that can sometimes be filled with distractions, conflicting values, and external influences, choosing wisely is a radical act of self-empowerment and conscious living. It is a testament to our commitment to personal growth, authenticity, and the well-being of ourselves and others.


You are called upon, how shall you choose to answer? To answer the call, we must first listen and be attuned to the messages and signs that come our way. The call may come in the form of an inner voice, a deep longing, or an external circumstance that presents itself as an opportunity or challenge. It requires us to be present, open, and receptive to the guidance and wisdom that is available to us. Choosing how to answer the call involves a deep exploration of our purpose, passions, and values. It requires us to reflect on what truly matters to us and what we feel called to contribute to the world. It may involve stepping out of our comfort zones, taking risks, and embracing the unknown. It is a journey of self-discovery and growth, as we align our choices with our authentic selves and the greater good. Answering the call also requires courage and a willingness to take action. It is not enough to simply hear the call; we must actively respond and engage with it. This may involve making sacrifices, facing challenges, and persevering in the face of obstacles. It is a commitment to showing up fully and wholeheartedly, knowing that our actions have the power to create meaningful change. May you always be attuned to the callings that come your way, and may you choose to answer with purpose, passion, and profound transformation.


Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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