AQUARIUS 3 What makes you fall out of love?



What makes you fall out of love?


As an Aquarius, you are a visionary and an idealist. You are so focused on your goals that you can sometimes lose sight of the people around you. You don’t want to be intimate with anyone unless they are one hundred percent committed to your vision. This can make it difficult for you to find love because most people want to settle down and have a family with someone who is willing to compromise on their ideals. You are also very independent, and this can lead to problems in relationships when you are not able to rely on someone else for support or help. It can also cause problems when someone tries to control your life by taking away your independence or telling you what they expect from you based on their own needs rather than yours alone. In order for you and another person who isn’t an Aquarius person to work together harmoniously, there must be some level of equality between the two of them—if not equality then at least balance—and this will only happen if both parties agree upon it beforehand by having a discussion about what each wants out of the relationship before proceeding further into it.

Being an Aquarius, you are an expert at breaking people’s hearts. Your friends frequently caution you about the risks of being too good at something because you are so wonderful at it. They say you won’t find love in this lifetime if you don’t stop right now and go get yourself a reliable boyfriend or girlfriend—someone who will look out for you and make your life more fascinating. However, you are better than that. You’ve seen what happens when people break up with someone too soon: they become permanently alone, or worse. The potential of true love should not be rejected merely because doing so may hurt someone else. Furthermore, shouldn’t you be romantic by nature? Why wouldn’t you want to be in a relationship with someone who values himself just as highly as he values you?

There are several reasons that can cause you to lose interest in someone as an Aquarius. One of the most common ones is when you believe your lover is not paying attention to you. It can be quite challenging to feel connected to someone if they won’t listen to what you have to say. You can get the impression that they don’t give a damn about how you feel and just don’t care about what’s going on in your life. Additionally, keep in mind that even if losing a romantic relationship is a significant event, there is still hope. There are still people out there that care about you and want to reconnect with you. Just some effort on both ends is needed. The romance has ended and the connection has grown sour, Aquarius. Boredom, where one or both partners thought that things had grown stale or that the relationship had grown too demanding with probable insufficient passion or enthusiasm in return, stuck out to you in particular. The saying “heart grows (least) fonder” is true. When a growing distance leads a couple to focus more on their individual lives rather than their relationship, they begin to lose interest in one another.

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