Finances –Keep Your Money Safe

The Tower – Love, Finances, and Health

the tower

Finances –Keep Your Money Safe

You know what they say, never keep all of your eggs in one basket. If you lose the basket, so do all of your eggs. In these times of confusion, you cannot keep your wealth safe by putting it only in one place. Habitually, you tend to stick not only to a single source of income, but also to putting it into a single investment that appears stable for you. But not all that looks stable will remain so for long. Like a solid Tower that soon falls apart without warning, so do many things in our economy today. Be wise, and play it like a master.  If you wish to grow your wealth and keep it safe as well, spread it out far. Save it in many places and invest it in different fields. They will multiply even more than putting them all into one spot. Even if you lose some of them to the storms of uncertainty, there will still be more remaining for you to grow in the future. In these trying times, it is always important that something must always be left to you after terrible things have wrought their havoc.

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