Horse Reading 15
The Year of the Horse is the seventh animal sign in the Chinese Horoscope. The people born under this sign are full of vibrancy and energy. They enjoy social activities and love humor and dramatic flair.
Wealth, Career, and Finances
Do not dislike a boring job or an idea that may not seem profitable at first. The most valuable gems are found after digging for a long time in the dirt. Great fortitude and patience are required to make even the dullest kinds of work and the most unlikeliest businesses thrive in a future time. It is important to keep your morale high while working for the results.
Love, Friendship, and Relationships
Not everyone is meant to be your friend. Not everyone who claims to love actually does love you. Be not misled by looks. Do not listen to flattery. Always check for the real character behind the charm. A checklist of values which are lasting will be your guide to forming relations with other people.
Health, Safety, and Protection
Be careful of marketing ploys that can trick you into buying harmful things. Not everything that is promised can be good for you. Stick to the usual ways of caring for yourself. If you have any doubts, it is better to ask the usual experts instead of those who advocate stranger treatments. The conventional path is always safer than the unknown ones.