Love – Calm and Dialogue Fixes Issues

Temperance – Love, Finances, and Health


Love – Calm and Dialogue Fixes Issues

Arguments. Petty quarrels. The other usual issues between couples. These often rob the joy from your usually happy relationships. Yours is not spared. How many times did you experience bad days because the two of you fought over small and insignificant matters? You most likely feared that these may even lead to the break up of your romance! But it does not have to end that way. Have some Temperance within, and let a more balanced approach solve your problems. No minor issue can be solved by letting fiery tempers go out of control. Have some calm, and talk with your partner about the matter. Learning to tolerate each other and solving problems together can strengthen your romance, as compared to fighting about anything and everything. Petty quarrels cannot destroy couples who put harmony and rationality first over their emotions

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