How should you deal with jealousy?

Pisces, my dear dreamer, I know how deeply your emotions run, how often your heart leads you through life’s ups and downs. You’re an intuitive soul, and your connection to the people you care about is profound. It’s no wonder that when the shadow of jealousy creeps in, it feels all-encompassing, as though a storm has rolled into the sea of your heart. But don’t let it scare you—jealousy, just like every other emotion, is here to teach you something. It’s a message from your inner world, asking you to look a little closer, understand a little more, and heal a little deeper.

For you, Pisces, jealousy can sometimes arise not because of what someone else is doing, but because of what you feel you might be lacking. You have such a giving nature; you pour so much love, creativity, and energy into others that it can leave you feeling vulnerable if you’re not receiving that same kind of love in return. But let me tell you something: it’s not that you’re not loved or appreciated—sometimes the people around you simply don’t express it in the ways you need or expect. So before jealousy takes root, take a moment to reflect. What is your heart truly asking for? More attention? More reassurance? More time to reconnect? When you understand what’s missing, you can ask for it openly, gently, and honestly.

Another thing, Pisces: jealousy often whispers lies about comparison. You might look at someone else’s relationship or achievements and feel that pang of envy, as if they have something you don’t. But remember, you see the world through a unique lens. Your love, your talents, your beauty—they don’t need to look like anyone else’s. Jealousy’s trick is to make you forget your own magic. The next time it whispers, “Why not me?” remind yourself of all the ways you shine. Dive deep into the waters of self-appreciation. List out your strengths, your passions, the little quirks that make you who you are. The more you honor your own gifts, the less room jealousy has to grow.


You’re someone who feels so much, Pisces, and that sensitivity is your superpower. But it also means that when you sense any kind of shift—be it a friend’s attention drifting elsewhere or a partner’s focus momentarily wavering—it can feel like a tidal wave. You might find yourself questioning, doubting, or even imagining scenarios that aren’t real. This is where grounding becomes essential. When jealousy stirs, don’t let it pull you under. Instead, anchor yourself. Find a quiet moment to breathe deeply, place your hands over your heart, and remind yourself that not every fleeting feeling represents reality. Often, the stories we tell ourselves in jealous moments are just that—stories. Take the time to rewrite them with compassion and clarity.

And Pisces, let’s talk about boundaries. You’re naturally empathetic, often absorbing the emotions of those around you. It’s one of the reasons people feel so drawn to you—they know you’ll understand. But if you don’t set clear boundaries, it’s easy to lose yourself in their needs, their attention, or their achievements. When you start to feel jealousy creeping in, ask yourself: Have I been neglecting my own needs? Have I been too focused on making someone else happy without ensuring my own joy? By prioritizing your own well-being and carving out space for your interests, passions, and self-care, you’ll feel less dependent on external validation and more grounded in your own sense of worth.

Jealousy also thrives in secrecy. If you try to push it down, hide it, or pretend it’s not there, it often just grows stronger. But if you bring it into the light, it loses its power. You don’t have to share it with everyone, but finding someone you trust—whether it’s a close friend, a therapist, or even a journal—can help. Write out what you’re feeling, without judgment. What triggered it? What fears or insecurities does it bring up? By naming it and understanding its origins, you’ll find that it’s not as overwhelming as it seemed. Instead, it becomes something you can work through, something you can release.


Now, let’s not forget the importance of self-compassion. Pisces, you’re often your own toughest critic. When jealousy arises, you might beat yourself up for feeling it, thinking you should be “above” such emotions. But here’s the truth: jealousy is human. It’s part of the emotional spectrum, and it doesn’t make you less wise, less loving, or less spiritual. Treat yourself with the same kindness you’d offer a dear friend. When jealousy visits, don’t scold yourself—soothe yourself. Remind yourself that it’s okay to feel this way and that you’re taking steps to understand it and grow from it.

Another thing to keep in mind, Pisces, is that jealousy can be a call to reconnect. Maybe it’s highlighting a relationship that needs more attention. Maybe it’s showing you where you’ve been holding back your feelings or where a conversation needs to happen. Use jealousy as a prompt to open up, to be vulnerable, to say, “Hey, this is how I’m feeling, and this is what I need.” Your natural gift for compassion and understanding will help you approach these conversations with grace, and in turn, you’ll often find that the other person is more than willing to meet you halfway.

Finally, remember that you are not your jealousy. It’s a feeling, not a definition of who you are. You’re a creative, intuitive, and deeply loving soul, and no single emotion can change that. When jealousy comes up, see it as a passing wave in the vast ocean of your heart. It’s not permanent, and it doesn’t have to define your relationships. By exploring it with curiosity, by communicating openly, and by treating yourself with care, you transform jealousy from a stumbling block into a stepping stone—one that leads you toward greater self-awareness, deeper connections, and a more harmonious relationship with both yourself and others.