Tea Leaf Reading 5 current lack

tea leaf reading

meaning five

Images seen:

Hammer in centre of bottom.

A letter approaching the house, accompanied by



Letters ‘Y’ and ‘J’ accompanied by small cross.


Heads up, do not let your current lack get you down! There is a good end that always comes after a long drought of blessings. Watch out for letters or packages coming your way. Never take them for granted when they come to you. It can contain anything from actual money, items for a new business, or letters inviting you to a new job or other opportunities. You need not look very far. Good things are always sent to you, and you never notice it because you focus too much on your own emptiness. Time to see what is under your nose.


A confusing start it will be. The direction of your love life will be uncertain from where you are. When things are unclear, you may be tempted to make sudden decisions. Be careful with that, and let your rational self take charge for a while. Doing so will drive away your loved one, or bring the disdain of others on you. When things clear up, only then can you see where you will take your romance next.


Life always comes with its adversities, and it affects all aspects. This includes your health. You are probably struggling with issues and problems with regards to your well being and appearance. These may even seem unsurmountable. But take heart, do not give up, and keep taking care of yourself. Ask help if necessary. The Universe is kind to those who persevere. You will eventually overcome these hurdles and get better with time.

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